“Of all the times he had to barge into my place, why did it have to be now?” I run my hands through my hair. “I think I need to get out of here. Just until I know what to do.”

And I don’t know when that is going to be.



“You look hungry,” I laugh as Katie tucks into her burger.

She grins at me around a mouthful of burger sauce and meat, juice dripping down her chin. I groan and pass over a napkin.

“Mucky pup.”

“Sorry, Dad.” Katie wipes her mouth and swallows her mouthful. “I’m starving, and these burgers are delicious.”

“Anyone would think I sent you in without any food.”

“What can I say? I’m thirteen. And I won’t pass up a chance to eat out with you.” Katie snags a fry from her plate and pops it into her mouth. “That’s not very often, lately. I’m beginning to think you’ve got a second family.”

“No, of course not.”

“I just have to wonder. You have spent a few nights away from home, and it’s nothing to do with work.” Katie giggles before taking another bite of her burger. “Have you got yourself a girlfriend?”


I know my face is feeling warm, and I know I’m blushing. But why? Jade and I aren’t in a relationship—yet. We just have an intense chemistry that explodes whenever we’re around, and that’s it. So why am I embarrassed?

Because you’re talking to your daughter about your love life, that’s why.

Love life? I don’t think I can call it that.

“Well?” Katie prompts.

“Well, what?”

“Do you have a girlfriend? I’m sure I’m going to find out about it soon.”

“No, I don’t have a girlfriend. I was…with a friend last night.” I try to figure out how to put it without going into too much detail. “She was sick, and I offered to stay over to make sure she was okay.”

“I see. That’s what people do nowadays, is it?”

“It’s true, Katie.”

Katie looks disbelieving as she lowers her burger.

“I don’t need to guess who you were with, Dad. You were with Jade, weren’t you?”

I should deny it, but Katie knows me too well. She knows when I’m telling a lie. That is a downside of having a daughter who is so in tune with me.

“Ah!” Katie is triumphant. “I knew it! You were with Jade! I was beginning to think that you weren’t going to do anything.”

“About what?”

“The tension between you. I may be a kid, but even I can tell there is something between the two of you.” Katie giggles. “Honestly, it’s like a couple of teenagers dancing around each other. It’s quite sweet.”

I don’t know what to say to that. I sip at my drink, trying to get the energy to eat. My burger looks delicious, and I am struggling to have anything. My worry over Jade this morning distracts me, as it has been all day.

“You’re far too young to be thinking about your dad with a woman, Katie.”