
“You just want to try and sneak back into my life and get me to forgive you, don’t you?” I snap at him. “That’s not going to happen! I hate you! If I go back to you, I’m the one who’s insane.”

Nate looks pained.

“I…I thought…once you had calmed down…”

“What part of our communications said that I was calming down? I was calm every time until you contacted me, and you would wind me up again. Seriously, Nate, take a fucking hint!” I shove him in the chest again. “Now get out of here before I have Maddison call the cops. I’m not in the mood to deal with any of this. Fuck off!”

“But, Jade…”

I manage to turn Nate around to push him toward the door, but he stops when he sees something on the table. It takes me a moment too long before I realize that he’s seen the pregnancy test. Maddison seems to think the same thing because she’s snatching up the test and putting it behind her back before Nate can get to it.

“What…Maddison, what was that?”

“It’s nothing to do with you, Nate,” Maddison says, darting away as Nate tries to reach behind her. “Just get out like Jade wants.”

“I’m not…what you picked up…that was a pregnancy test, wasn’t it?” Nate tries to grab at Maddison, but she shoves him away with one hand. “Who’s pregnant, Maddison? Is that Jade’s?”

“It’s none of your business, Nate.”

My heart sinks as I see the light go on in Nate’s head. He turns towards me, his expression stunned.

“You’re pregnant? Really?”

“Get the hell out of here, Nate.”

“You think I’m going to walk out of here when you’re carrying my baby?”

It takes me a moment to realize what he had just said.

“What…you think this baby is yours?”

“Who else would be the dad? You haven’t been with anyone else, so it has to be me.”

“You and I haven’t had sex in months! You’re most definitely not the dad.”

“I don’t believe you.” Nate shakes his head. “This changes everything. Wehaveto get back together. I won’t have the baby raised without its father.”

He really has gone off the deep end. Now he believes this baby is his? I nod at Maddison, who opens the door and waits as I push Nate towards it.

“Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. Apartment,” I say through gritted teeth. “You are not the dad, and I want nothing to do with you.”

“You can’t do this on your own, Jade. I need to be there.”

“No, you don’t.” Between me and Maddison, we manage to push him onto the landing. “Not get the fuck out of here before we call the police. Maddison.”

“I’m on it.” Maddison starts to dial. “Thirty seconds to get out onto the street and away from us, Nate, or you’re going to find out how angry we can be.”

Nate looks like he’s going to argue, but he backs down.

“Okay, fine.” He holds up his hands as he sighs. “I’ll be back another time. I don’t want this to be delayed. We have to talk about getting back together.”

“Fuck off.”

Nate doesn’t respond as Jade slams the door on him. Then she kicks the door and snarls. Maddison eases her away from the door.

“Don’t. You’ll just hurt yourself.”