“Well, the pill isn’t working if you’ve still managed to get pregnant. And Finn was just here, so why didn’t you tell him?”
“I don’t know.” I try to drink my tea, but it’s too hot, and my hands tremble. I put it to one side. “I wasn’t thinking clearly. I just needed him to get out of here before I had a panic attack.”
“Oh, honey.” Maddison looks torn. “I wish I knew what I could do to make you feel better. If I could take away…”
“I appreciate you feel that way about me, Maddison. I love you for it. But I have to deal with this.” I sigh heavily and rub my hands over my face. “I feel like crap. How do I tell someone I’m not even in a relationship with that I’m pregnant? I can’t see that going over well.”
“How do you know? You need to tell him, and it can’t be that bad.”
“Besides, he’s a dad already, isn’t he? And from what you’ve said, his kid is cool. I think it’s safe to say he’s a good father.”
There is that. I can be sure that Finn will be a good parent if Katie is anything to go by. Nonetheless, telling him is still scaring me. What is going to happen after I tell him I’m pregnant? I don’t want Finn to do something stupid like marry me out of obligation. That’s not fair on either of us.
But what if he tells me to get rid of the baby? I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that. I’m not ready for a baby, but the thought of getting rid of it…
That I definitely can’t stomach. And my stomach is churning as a result.
At least I now know why I’m sick. However, I’m not too sure about the result.
A sudden banging on the door makes me jump. It’s coming from the front door. Did Finn forget something? Or did he forget to shut the door to the street?
“What the…?”
“I’ll tell them to go away.” Maddison gets up. “I forgot to lock the door after Finn, so I’ll also sort that out. Then once that’s done, you’re going to the doctor for an appointment.”
“What about the store?”
“It will be fine if we don’t open just yet. Leave a notice in the window or something. Your customers will understand.”
Maddison reaches the door and starts to open it a crack to look through the gap, but then she’s almost knocked backward as Nate comes charging into the apartment, striding in like he owned the place. He looks around and focuses on me.
I get to my feet as he advances on me, looking relieved. I hold up my hands.
“No, Nate. Don’t you dare touch me.”
“But, Jade…” At least he stops when I say no. “Why can’t I hold my girl?”
“Girl? Are you serious?” My nausea is disappearing in the wake of my annoyance. “I’m not your girl. I haven’t been since you decided to cheat on me. We’re done, not getting back together, nothing. Why do you keep persisting?”
“Do you want me to call the police?” Maddison asks as she gets her cell phone out. “It won’t take much.”
“They’re not going to come,” Nate says without looking around. “I’m just talking to my girlfriend, that’s all.”
I groan and shove him in the chest.
“Stop being so delusional! I’m not your girlfriend! I thought I made it clear when I ended things with you.”
“We still need to talk. What happened to closure?”
“Closure? You want to torment me further by showing how much you betrayed my trust?”
“You broke up with me and didn’t give me a chance to defend myself,” Nate shoots back. “I thought you said everyone deserves closure.”
I’m beginning to wonder if Nate has a screw loose. This is starting to sound unhinged. I shake my head.
“You are insane. This is what you’ve been harassing me about for months? To get ‘closure’?”