“It's my ex. I keep him unblocked so he doesn’t try to get hold of me through friends or unknown numbers, and he’s taking advantage of it.”

“Maybe you should change your number,” Finn suggests.

“I’ve thought about it, but knowing my luck, I’ll forget to tell those who really need it, and then there’s changing it for the doctors and all that….” I shake my head as I delete the entire text thread from Nate. “Besides, I’ve got a business number. I can’t change that, unfortunately.”

“And you can’t block him because he’ll try to go through a friend or a new number.”


Finn shakes his head and sits on the edge of the bed. He’s taken off his coat and jacket, leaving him in just a shirt open at the neck. He looks good in pale blue.

God, I need to get rid of these dirty thoughts building in my head.

“You need to call the police and make a report,” Finn says. “Even if you can’t get him arrested, at least you have a paper trail, and they could have a word with him, at the very least.”

“I doubt he’ll listen. Nate can get very stubborn when she needs to be.”

“If you want me to do something…”

“No!” I glare at him. “I don’t need your help. Let me fight my own battles, please.”

I think Finn is going to argue with me on that, but instead, he sighs and holds up his hands.

“Okay, fine. But you should consider going to the police about this.”

“You let me worry about it.” Looking at my phone is giving me a headache. I lower the phone with a sigh. “God, I wish he would just stop. It’s been months already.”

“He’s probably waiting for you to relax and think he’s stopped, and then he’ll do it again.”

“It feels like he hasn’t ever stopped.”

Finn watches me for a moment. Then he reaches over and takes my phone from my hand. I try to grab it back, but he’s too quick for me.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m putting your notifications on mute.” Finn presses a few buttons before putting the phone on the table. “You need to rest, not be interrupted by your phone. Staring at it isn’t going to help.”

“And you think I’m going to be able to sleep?” I shoot back. “I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”

“Can you think of anything that can help you sleep better? I’m all ears.”

As he watches me, waiting for an answer, I can't help but admire his body. His muscles are straining against his shirt, and I can remember how beautiful his body is underneath. The discomfort in my belly is still there, but the throbbing between my legs is starting again, and I’m trying my best not to squirm. I squeeze my thighs together, but that doesn’t help, especially with my nipples tightening at the thought of having him in my arms again. That hasn’t happened before.

What is wrong with me? He’s lied to me and betrayed my trust, so how can I want him so fiercely? I feel like I’m burning up.

I shouldn’t even think about having sex with him, yet I can’t help it.

“Jade?” Finn tilts his head to one side. “You okay?”

“I…I do have an idea.” I bite my lip and shift towards him as I lean forwards. “I’m not sure what you would say about it, though.”

Finn looks bemused. Then something passes across his face, and I see a look in his eyes that I’ve forgotten about and missed.

He knows exactly what I’m thinking about.

“Only if you’re sure,” he says with slight hesitation. “If you’re thinking what I believe you’re thinking.”

“If you mean this…” I kiss his cheek. “Then yes.”