“She wouldn’t say, but she didn’t look very well. Said that she didn’t have anyone to cover her, so there was no choice.” Mom frowns. “I would have let that go, but I’ve never seen her have anyone else work with her when we go in. She didn’t look well, and despite her customer service smile, she looked miserable.”

My heart sinks. I kept my distance because I respected what Jade wanted, but now I regret listening to her.

“She’s working too much, Finn,” Mom says, staring hard at me. “I thought you said you had lowered the rent back to what it was.”

“I did. I notified her of it as well, but nothing in response.”

I have told Mom about Jade being my tenant, but obviously not about what we’ve done. If I had, Mom would certainly push me to try and ask Jade on a proper date. It’s been a long time since I went on a proper date, and she has been dropping hints more about it in recent months. I haven’t felt the desire to do it but with Jade…

I can see myself dating her. But with everything between us, I doubt that’s going to be anything we can do anything soon.

Hearing that Jade is unhappy and unwell is more concerning than wanting something intimate with her.

“I think you should go and see her, Finn,” Mom says quietly. “Not as a landlord, though. As a friend.”

“I don’t think she will consider me a friend, Mom.”

“You can but try. That’s what friends do. They look out for each other.”

She does have a point, but I’m still unsure about it. Jade can easily shut the door in my face. If I were lucky, I would get past the street door. But hearing that Jade could be sick…

I would have to try. Even if it means Jade is going to block me from seeing her. I won’t feel settled until I’ve done that.

“I’m going to have to go out after dinner, Mom,” I say quietly.

“I understand.” Mom squeezes my arm. “Take all the time you need.”

“I’m sorry for this. You might as well move in with all this going on.”

“I’ll bill you for my services,” Mom teases as she turns away. “Maybe you should hire yourself a helper or someone to be in the house so Katie’s not alone. I can’t do this for you forever.”

“I love you, too, Mom.”

I hear her laugh in return, but I don’t feel like laughing.

Chapter 14


Thephoneisringingagain, and I have to groan when it hurts my head. God, why can’t I have a few minutes of peace? Is that too much to ask?

I love my job, and I love the business I have built up for myself, but I hate the fact that I have to answer the phone. My cell phone stays switched off while I’m at work, so there are fewer distractions, but the store phone is different. And someone always calls within minutes of the store closing to check if I have something in stock. That means I’ve got to boot up my computer again, and by the time I’ve found what they were asking for, they’re huffing and puffing like Thomas the Tank Engine. I’m tempted to ask why they don’t contact Barnes and Noble, but that would be too petty.

I’m never going to get these books up. Despite thinking it would be a quiet day, once school was out and people were coming home from work, they were coming in to look for a few things to take home. I keep forgetting that these times can be the busiest, even more than Saturdays.

Maybe I can get the higher rent, after all. Finn might have put it back to what it was before, but I’m not taking a chance that he’s going to keep it like that. I would need to keep on my toes.

God, of all the people to be my landlord, why did it have to be the one person who sets a fire in my belly that makes me want to jump his bones?

Putting the books in my arms down, I go to the counter and scoop up the receiver before it goes to voicemail.

“Hello, The Little Red Bookshop. Jade speaking.”

“Hey, sugar.”

I freeze when I hear that familiar voice. Oh, no. Not now.

“What do you want, Nate?”