“No, don’t worry about it. I’m fine with it.” Katie takes the bag from me. “With me as their owner, they’re going to get battered anyway.”
I keep a tight smile as Mrs. Clements pays for the books and ushers her granddaughter out, giving me a farewell nod and smile before they step out into the street and disappear from sight. It’s then that I sag onto the floor, leaning my head against the wood of the counter. Why did Katie have to say something like that? Now, after trying to get Finn out of my head, he was firmly in my mind and refusing to budge.
Maybe shutting up a little earlier wouldn’t be a problem after all. Not if this headache that was building wouldn’t go away.
I’m exhausted when I finally pull into my driveway. This is far too much overtime, and I’m meant to be the boss. Why am I doing all the overtime? I know Katie isn’t too happy about it, and Mom is probably going to have a few choice words for me. She doesn’t mind looking after her granddaughter but has her own life to lead. I shouldn’t have to rely on her so much.
Yet, whenever I slow down and do something that isn’t work, I’m reminded of Jade and our confrontation. I can still see the pained look on her face and the anger as she left my office. Hell, even at work, I still recall what passed between us. It’s like I can’t get away from it.
I want to go and look for her, try to apologize, and see what we can do between us. I want us to get past this and salvage what we had. Despite our start, things had been going well enough between us. Explosive, even. Certainly in bed. I still remember our intimate moments fondly and how I enjoy talking to her. Sure, things might have started off poorly, but the attraction is undeniable.
Now I don’t even know if I will be able to get anywhere near her without her threatening to call the police for harassment. After all, nothing will change the fact that we’re landlord and tenant. It’ll be hard to explain, and it could be twisted into something else. I don’t see Jade doing that, but I can’t trust that another person might do that.
Like Keeley. I know she spread gossip around the office, and I was very aware that she embellished a few details. It almost cost me a couple of tenants who heard the rumors, and I had to placate them and ensure that what they heard was just malicious. I knew Keeley was a gossipmonger, but to do it against her own boss was a whole new level. I ensured she was gone once I had sorted out, not losing those tenants. I don’t need someone like that causing hassle to my company.
She should have kept her mouth shut like a proper secretary. If I can’t trust someone who looks after my schedule and workload, they don’t deserve to work for me. Keeley certainly didn’t like it, but I’m not interested.
She should consider herself lucky I just fired her and didn’t threaten to go after her for defamation. Kenny managed to calm me down, saying a termination would be enough for her to know that what she did was wrong. I went along with what he said.
I just wish I knew what I could do to make Jade listen when I apologized. I know this is my fault, and I fucked up. But I don’t know how without making it worse.
My thoughts are still all over the place as I enter the house, going straight to my study to put my bag down. Katie is waiting outside the door when I come back out, and I almost walk into her.
“Hey, Dad!” She hugs me. “You got back in time for dinner.”
“Hey, you.” I kiss her head. “You’re having dinner late, aren’t you?”
“I had a small meal earlier, but I’m starving now. I wanted to have dinner with you.” Katie giggles as she pulls away. “And you need to check out all the books I’ve got. I’m sure it will bring you back some nostalgia.”
“What? More books?”
“Yeah. I finished them all, remember? And you said I could get what I wanted as long as I was sensible. So I brought some more books.”
I don’t know what to say to that. I know I said that to her, but now I’m concerned. Given that she said she got more books, I’m pretty sure I know where she got them from.
“You went to Jade’s bookstore again, didn’t you?”
“Of course we did!” Katie makes it sound like that was obvious. “She’s got a great array of books, and I like going in there.”
“There are at least three bigger bookstores closer to home and school. We’ve got a Barnes and Noble two blocks away!”
“And I should choose them over a smaller business?” Katie scoffs. “Aren’t you the one who says we should support those businesses?”
I don’t know what to say to that. She does have a point. But I would have to explain the real reason I’m uncomfortable with her going over to Jade’s place all the time. Jade must be feeling awkward about it as well.
“Maybe you should not go there so much, Katie.”
Katie blinks at me.
“Why not?”
“Jade’s probably going to get fed up with you going in all the time, right? I mean, you’ve been in there a few times…”
“She doesn’t mind, Dad! She even gives me great recommendations on what I can read for my age! And the wide variety is amazing!” Katie grins. “You’re just jealous that I see her more than you are.”