Who knew I would get food poisoning from something I eat all the time? Maddison said I needed to get out and have some fun, so we went to our usual haunt. The food is always excellent, and I loved it. Now, I regret it. It’s coming back with a vengeance.
I can’t afford to have food poisoning. That would mean closing the store today. I don’t have anyone who can come in and cover for me today, not at short notice. Given the financial situation, I can’t afford to close.
Damn, Finn. The rage I’ve felt since I found out a month ago that he was my goddamn landlord is still there, simmering away and flaring to life whenever my thoughts drift toward him. And that ends up being a lot. I can’t believe I’m still thinking about the bastard after what he did.
He lied to me. He could have told me the truth initially once he figured out what was happening. It was like he held all the cards and left me to guess everything on my own.
I can’t believe I had sex with my landlord. Does he usually do this with his tenants? The thought doesn’t sit well with me. Isn’t this an abuse of trust? Why would he sleep with me knowing that I was a tenant? Was it to manipulate me?
That doesn’t work in my head. Finn isn’t the type to manipulate someone through sex. Then again, I thought I knew him better than that, and he blew all that out of the water.
There hasn’t been any contact between us since that confrontation in his office. If he has an objection to me paying the rent I’ve had all this time and not the inflated one, he hasn’t said anything. I’ll keep going until he makes a move.
It’s petty and likely won’t help me in the long run. But after what he did and how I felt betrayed, I don’t care.
The sound of the bell tingling above the door gets my attention. At least customers are still coming in. I don’t know what’s been happening, but I get quite a bit of traffic from people entering the shop to buy books. Maybe Maddison had spread the word? I can see her doing that for me.
“I’m coming. Just a second.”
I put the books I had been sorting on the top of the ladder and climbed down gingerly. My vertigo makes the world tilt a little, so it takes longer than anticipated. Hopefully, my customers haven’t left because I’m taking forever.
Coming around the bookcase, I’m surprised to see a familiar woman standing by the counter inspecting the new big deals I leave there to get a last-minute purchase. I stare at her.
“Mrs. Clements?”
Mrs. Clements looks up and smiles brightly at me.
“Hey, Jade. How are you?”
“I…I’m fine.” I don’t know what to say for a moment. “What…what are you doing here?”
Mrs. Clements laughs.
“It’s a bookstore, and I like to read. What’s wrong with that?”
“I…I just…”
“Anyway, it’s more for Katie. She wanted to come back and get a few more books. I think she’s finished all the books she got before.”
Now I am surprised at that. Katie has come into the store every Friday after school to get more books. I was a voracious reader when I was her age, but even I can’t keep up with Katie, who seems to go through her books quickly. Then she’s back asking for something else. I love that a teenager takes a keen interest in books, but this feels like something different is happening.
I’m almost worried as to what it is.
“Is she seriously reading everything she buys here?” I ask as I approach the counter.
“Trust me, she is. My son says she has a book in her hands whenever Katie’s not doing homework, at school, or out with her friends.” Mrs. Clements picks up a thriller and looks at the back. “He’s caught her reading long past her bedtime as well. I’m surprised she hasn’t injured herself when her nose seems stuck in a book all the time.”
“He has, has he?” I murmur.
“Don’t get me wrong—we’re both delighted that she’s become interested in books. It’s just so sudden when there was no indication before.” Mrs. Clements shrugs. “Maybe it’s being a teenager, and it’s a new fad. I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I was a teenager.”
“Same with me.”
This is feeling awkward. Mrs. Clements has come in with her granddaughter each time Katie gets her books, and we have a bit of small talk, but it makes me uncomfortable. I doubt she knows what happens between me and her son—that would be embarrassing—and I have no idea if she’s aware that Finn is my landlord. If she does, coming in with her granddaughter makes it feel like she’s doing reconnaissance. If she doesn’t…
What is she up to? She must be. Katie’s sudden desire to read everything I have can’t be everything.
Now I’m getting nervous. Hopefully, Katie won’t be too long.