I snarl, which has Kenny scowling back at me. This has become a bigger mess than I anticipated. I knew there would be some pushback, given that I became her landlord and I’ve slept with her, but I never expected this. Then again, maybe I should have.

This is too painful for me. That I certainly didn’t expect.

“We’re going to adjust the contract, Kenny. Back to what it was before.”

“Are you sure about this, Finn?”

“Dad had a reason for doing what he did, and it’s been working so far. Has Jade fallen behind on any other payments? Done anything that we need to be worried about?”

“No, nothing. She’s been an exemplary tenant.”

“Then we’ll adjust it back and keep it as it is. As she wanted it.”

Kenny shakes his head.

“We spent ages getting it at the proper real estate price. You said that we shouldn’t give special treatment. And now you want to change it back?”

“It’s the least we can do.”

“And not because you’re having feelings for her?”

I glare at Kenny.

“Just stop it. We’ll go back to Dad’s agreement.”

“What about the money we’re wasting? You said we were not doing what we should with the land the store is on.”

“Do you want to make Jade homeless and jobless?”


“Then we do it. I’m not having any arguments on this, Kenny. We should have left it well alone. Then I wouldn’t be having this problem now.”

Kenny holds up his hands.

“I don’t know about that. I’m pretty sure we would’ve ended up in this same situation if you hadn’t raised the rent.”

I can’t help but feel that he’s right about that. This has turned into a bigger mess than it needed to be because of how stupid I was.

I know that I should be acting like a businessman here. This shouldn’t be something that sways me. If I were doing my job, I would have ignored Jade’s outburst and gotten on with the contract I drew up. Instead, I’m breaking because a woman I’ve come to have feelings for is upset about what we’ve done. Given how shocked and angry she was, I can’t blame her for feeling like that.

I’m surprised she didn’t honestly know who I was. Did she not hear the name Clements and not realize there was a connection? I want to blame her for not noticing, but then I would be shifting the blame off me, which is unfair. The one at fault in all of this is me. I should have disclosed who I was sooner, and this wouldn’t be happening.

But if I had, then I wouldn’t have taken her to bed and craved having her in my arms. Keeping away from her is absolute hell. Now I’ve got to keep away from her properly. Otherwise, she’ll be screaming something that could get me into trouble.

Kenny is right. I’ve fucked this up big time, and I don’t even know how I’m going to get out of it.

Chapter 13


A Month Later

Mybackhurts,butI need to get these books on the shelves. The new stock came in, and I have to put it up in a timely fashion. I love doing this, and I enjoy sorting all the books out into a particular order. But today…

No, not just today. Lately, I’ve not really been enjoying this. Especially when I’m up on the ladder to reach the top shelf. I feel dizzy every time I’m up there. Am I getting vertigo now? I hope not; that isn’t something I need right now.

Nor is the sore back. That’s been driving me insane for a few days now. It’s like I can’t sleep comfortably, reminding me that my nights have been disturbed. More than likely from having to lie on the bathroom floor. It’s not that soft in there.