“You sound like you’re speaking from experience, Katie. Is there something you should be telling me?”


“You and I need to have a conversation when I get back, young lady.”

“No need. I’ll be asleep and getting ready for school.”

“At this time of the evening?”

“Oh, shoot, is that the time?” Katie is starting to jabber now, as she does when embarrassed. “I’d better get off the phone and get ready for bed. Enjoy your date, Dad. Bye!”


But Katie has already hung up on me. I put my phone in my pocket, trying to figure out how I feel about my teenage daughter having boys asking her out. It feels strange. It doesn’t seem that long since she was a little girl.

However, I can see her point. Women like it when guys get something meaningful for them. Should I do that for her? Should I find a reason to go back and see her, or would she find that creepy?

Either way, I need to figure something out because thinking about her will not get anything moving.

Much like not doing anything about the date I’m currently on. I must return and tell Carly that my family needs me at home. It’s not something I want to do, but I don’t want to get her hopes up.

It’s not fair for her to be on a date with me while I'm thinking about another woman. She deserves better.

Chapter 10


Ihearmyphonegoing off again, and I check it. Seeing the name flashing up makes me groan, and I put it back down, the screen down on the counter. That makes the ringing stop, but it won’t for long.

Sitting across from her, Maddison glances at the phone.

“Is it Nate again?”

“Yep. He’s still calling.”

“I thought you blocked him.”

“I did, but then he started calling from other numbers, and I didn’t know which ones to answer.” I shake my head as I tap into my calculator near my hand. I don’t like the look of the numbers. “So I unblocked him so I knew exactly who was trying to contact me.”

It was a silly decision for me, but I hate how he keeps calling from random numbers, and I don’t know if they’re clients or him. I can’t afford not to answer the phone if someone’s calling about my stock or someone I get inventory from. Nate is just getting in the way and seems to know it.

“Honestly, I don’t get why he keeps trying to contact you when you’ve made your position clear,” Maddison says as she taps her pen on the book in front of her. “You’ve said he needs to fuck off, but he won’t listen. Does he have a narrative in his head or something?”

“Apparently so. He seems to think I’ll stop being angry, and this will blow over.”

“Will it?”

“Of course not! That’s not what I’m going to do. I’d rather have him carry on and find some other girl to pester and cheat on.”

“And to think he says he’s smart,” Maddison murmurs.

I can’t help but giggle at that. She has a point; Nate has always said that he graduated from a top college with a high IQ, but his actions say otherwise. I concluded a while ago that the stupidest people were always the smart ones. Nate is a testament to that.

“I’m just getting a headache from him.” I double-check the numbers and write them down. God, these are making things look terrible for me. “ I was getting fed up with telling everyone off for allowing Nate to try and contact me from their phones. Everyone apart from Carmen has apologized, even the ones who initially believed his bullshit about this being a misunderstanding, and I was blowing it out of proportion.”

“Having you shout at them for listening to such nonsense would do that to anyone. I know some of his friends said they’re a bit terrified of you now.”
