“That doesn’t help, Dad. Do you want an excuse to leave, or are you staying?”

“Well…” I hesitate. “I shouldn’t bail on her. She’s a nice enough girl….”

“But she’s not rubbing you the right way.”

I almost drop my phone at that remark. Either that or my fingers have suddenly frozen because of the cold. I get a better grip on it as I try comprehending what my daughter just said.

“Katie! Don’t say something like that?”

“What? Did I say something bad?”

“At your age, yes. Just be careful how you word things in the future, please.”

“Sorry, Dad.” Katie giggles. “I can claim that I’m not feeling very well, and you have to come back. I’m still in my cast, after all.”

“We’ll only go with that if your grandma knows about it. I don’t want her telling me off for leaving a date like I did.”

“Grandma can claim me for crying wolf. I’m just trying to help my dad out.” Katie pauses. “Dad, how many dates are you going on like this?”

I frown at my phone before putting it back to my ear.

“Why do you say that, honey?”

“If you’re going on a date, shouldn’t you actually like the girl first before you go on a date? Why did you agree to this one when you’re already bored?”

“This is one your Uncle Kenny set up for me. I wasn’t about to say no, and I thought it would work.”

“And it’s not because you’re thinking of someone else,” Katie comments.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Come on, Dad, I know I’m a kid, but I’m not stupid. You’ve been thinking of someone else, so you wanted me to call during the date as an excuse to escape.”

I want to deny it, but Katie knows me too well. I know that saying the opposite isn’t going to work with her. Sighing, I lean against the wall. It’s freezing outside, and I want to go back in, but I’m not about to have this conversation inside where everyone can hear me.

“Why do you think I’m thinking of someone else? Have I given you an indication of something?”

“Well, you have been slightly different in the last couple of weeks. And every time I mention going to Jade’s bookstore with Grandma, you blush or try to change the subject very quickly.” It sounds like Katie’s giggles are getting out of control. “You like Jade, don’t you?”

“What? No, of course not!”

Even as I protest, I know that Katie is right. But it’s not a question of ‘liking’ Jade. I desire her with every burning fiber of my being. Since we spent the night together exploring each other's bodies and having fun, I can’t stop thinking about her. Sure, I can distract myself during the night, but that can sometimes be a struggle. I just remember how amazing Jade was in my arms, how she came apart, and how I enjoyed seeing her smile when she came down from her high. She had wanted me to put a smile on her face, and I am thrilled I was able to do that.

Of course, it was meant to be just a one-off thing. Jade said she wasn’t ready for any relationship, but a few intense fucking sessions wouldn’t go amiss. I was happy to oblige, and knowing what I was getting out of it afterward saved any confusion. But it’s been two weeks now, and I haven’t heard anything from Jade at all. I know she can contact me, but I haven’t spoken to her. I could go by her bookstore, but that might feel like I’m cornering her, and I don’t want to do that.

“Why don’t you go and see her, Dad?” Katie asks. “You can go to the bookstore and say hello. It’s not that difficult, is it?”

“You think it’s not that difficult, Katie?”

“Of course not. Just go, say hello, and ask if she wants a coffee. Maybe you should take coffee to her. I’m sure Jade would appreciate that.”

“She doesn’t like coffee.”

Katie scoffs.

“Then take her tea or hot chocolate. Whatever she wants, Dad. Just take her something. Us girls like it when a guy gets us something small but meaningful.”

I’m wondering if I’m talking to a teenager. How is my kid giving me advice?