
Two Weeks Later

“Is everything okay?”

I look at the woman sitting beside me. Carly, is it? I’m not sure. I wasn’t paying attention when Kenny said his friend’s sister would be a good match for me. I feel bad for not knowing her name, but I’m not really interested in being around her. Carly is a lovely woman, but she isn’t capturing my attention. There is no spark between us.

Not like with myself and Jade.

God, I should stop thinking about her, especially when I’m supposed to be on a date with someone else.

Carly is still looking at me with a frown. I put my phone away.

“Sorry. I’m expecting an email from someone important.”

“Important enough that it’s being sent after hours?”

“They’re overseas.” Hopefully, she will take the lie. I don’t want to lie, but if I tell her I’m not enjoying the date, she will get upset. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long week, and I feel like I’ve got lots on.”

Carly—I’m beginning to think it’s another name, but I’ll stick with that—gives me a small smile and touches my arm.

“You need to stop thinking about work all the time, Finn. You should relax and do something else that’s not sitting at a computer.”

“Well, there’s only so much I can do before someone needs my attention,” I grunt. “Add to that having a kid…”

“Ah, yes. Little Katie, isn’t it?”

I can’t help but chuckle at that.

“She’s thirteen. She’s hardly little.”

Carly shrugs.

“They all stay little until they’re eighteen in my head. It’s like they’re tiny and then suddenly shoot up. No idea how that works, but that’s what I see.”

I can’t argue with that. I blink, and Katie is almost a foot taller than I thought she was.

As if on cue, my phone starts buzzing. I get it out and see my daughter’s name flashing on the screen.

“Shit.” I try to sound annoyed, but I don’t think I’m convincing enough. “I have to take this.”

“Doesn’t your daughter have a babysitter to deal with a matter?”

“It might be something they can’t handle.” I get off the stool. “I’ll be right back, I promise.”

I can tell she’s a little annoyed, and I don’t blame her; she was told that she would be going on a date with a guy whose net worth was in the billions, and he wasn’t giving her proper attention. If the roles were reversed, I would be annoyed as well. But within moments of meeting her, I found myself wanting to leave. However, I’m not rude; I was prepared to spend a couple of hours with her to give her a chance.

Almost half an hour into our date, and I’m looking to escape already. I feel bad about it.

Sending a silent apology to Carly, I step outside the bar and answer the call.

“Hey, Katie. What’s going on?”

“How’s the date going, Dad? You said to call a little way in to check.”

“It’s going.”

Katie laughs.