I stare at Finn. What does his brother mean? Finn glares at his brother.

“Stop it, Kenny. You’re scaring her.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help myself.” Kenny tilts his head as he looks at me. “So, who’s the lucky guy who gets your attention? I can’t see you getting dressed up to be with your girlfriends.”


Should I tell them? Or should I just carry on with my previous plan? But there’s a part of me that makes me feel like Finn being here was perfect timing. I should take advantage of it, even if I want to put my hands around Finn’s throat and throttle him. We might have behaved the last time we saw each other, but he still drives me crazy.

Even as a throbbing starts between my legs, I don’t have anything to stop it. My legs are feeling wobbly as I try to ignore it.

“Well…” I adjust my bag across my chest. “I was set up on a blind date, and it’s not going well. I am trying to find a way to leave.”

“Really?” Kenny looks around towards my table. Alex is in view, and he seems to be eating and unaware that he’s being watched. “He looks decent enough to me.”

“You haven’t heard what he’s been spouting. My friend’s ability to pick out the perfect boyfriend is broken.”

Finn chuckles.

“Sounds like you need to tell us everything.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “I’m guessing you want some help getting away from him?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“More than a little bit.” Finn glances at Kenny. “Do you want to join us? Or would you rather sneak out? Do you have a ride home?”

Those three questions seem to come out of nowhere, leaving me reeling. Join Finn and his equally handsome brother for dinner? Get a ride home with them? My mind goes blank, and I don’t know what to say. Kenny laughs.

“I think you’ve made her short-circuit, Finn.” He takes my arm and urges her to sit down. “Look, you’re more than welcome to join us. From what I can see of your table, you haven’t eaten. I wouldn’t be comfortable letting a woman go home without any food in her belly.”

“But, I…” I try to protest, but Finn is already sitting beside me.

“Kenny’s right. It’s not polite to let you go hungry.”

I glare at him.

“You make it sound like I’m starving myself.”

“But you are hungry, aren’t you?”

I am, and my stomach seems to growl a little too loudly at that point. I’m sure Finn and Kenny both hear it, and I just want to curl up and hide somewhere. I shift in my seat.

“Alright, I am a little hungry. But I’m paying my way. I’m not about to have anyone pay for dinner, not even my blind date.”

Kenny winks at me.

“Doesn’t matter with us. We can easily afford it.”

“I’m not putting you out…”

“Nonsense. We’ll pay for dinner if you’ll give us your lovely company. Then I can find out more about the woman who’s been distracting my brother.” He gestures at Finn. “I swear he’s not stopped finding a way to shoehorn you into a conversation.”

I glance at Finn, who looks a little red in the face. He won’t look at me, either. I glance back over at Alex, looking at his watch with an annoyed expression. He can’t seem to see me here, which is something.

“What if my date finds me over here?” I ask. “What happens then?”

“I’m sure we’ll think of something in the meantime.” Finn passes me a menu. “We were just about to order if you want to choose something.”

“And then you’ll take me home? It’s a bit too far for me to walk.”