“You wouldn’t have time to be lazy. I would make sure you’re kept busy.” Alex leers at me. “There’s plenty for you to do.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’ll find out after tonight.”

I feel like that’s an ominous remark. I don’t understand what’s going on. Laura said we would be a perfect match. Was she trying to tell me something through Alex?

I pick up my phone and my bag. Alex frowns.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m just going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

“You need your bag to go to the bathroom?”

I give him a sickly sweet smile and lean towards him.

“When you’re on your period, you’re not about to get a pad out of your bag and wave it around when you can just discreetly take your bag?”

Alex’s face pales, and he looks nauseous. Before he could respond, I walk away toward the bathrooms. But once I’ve pretended to go, I will have to go back, and I don’t want to. There is no chance of having a decent dinner with that man after what he just said. I’ve encountered people who don’t care for books, but Alex said things that felt a little more sinister and uncomfortable. I didn’t want to be around him anymore.

Laura is in serious trouble. I’m going to have a word with her later.

Now I have to figure out what I’m going to do. Maybe there’s a fire exit near the restrooms that I can leave by? It’s freezing outside, and I’m wearing heels that Laura said would be perfect with my outfit, but I can walk back or call a taxi. Although I’m not sure I can afford a taxi on my budget, perhaps I can get that out of Laura for such a disastrous date.


I stop short when I hear a familiar voice. My heart races as I turn and see Finn getting up from a table I’ve just passed. How did I not notice that he was here?

“Finn?” God, why does my voice have to squeak? I swallow and try again. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m having dinner.” Finn looks me up and down with approval in his eyes. “It looks like you’re having dinner as well. A date?”

Laura had told me to dress sexy for once, and then I would have Alex’s attention. So I had gone with the only sexy outfit I had, a strappy black dress with a v-neck which didn't require me to wear a bra, worn with a silver cardigan and matching silver shoes. With my hair down, I’m passable for attractive. I had begun to feel frumpy in front of Alex, who hadn’t said anything about my outfit.

Neither has Finn, but the way he’s looking at me is an answer enough. I swallow and grip my bag, hoping my cardigan isn’t open enough for him to see my cleavage and know I’m not wearing a bra. I feel naked around him.

A cough behind him gets our attention. I saw another man sitting at the table, and the similarities between him and Finn are incredible. I didn’t think looking as close to Finn’s appearance was possible without actually being him. He is giving Finn a pointed look.

“How about you stop gawking at the poor girl, Finn? She’s not in a fish bowl, you know.”

Finn’s cheeks turned a dark red, and he looked away. I give the other man an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry for interrupting your meal.”

“It’s no trouble. It’s nice to see my brother perking up at something for the first time in a while.”


Finn clears his throat.

“This is Kenny, my brother and CFO. This is Jade.”

“Ah, so you’re the Jade who owns a bookstore I’ve heard about.” Kenny gets up and holds out a hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“Oh…thanks.” I shake his hand, noting the firm grip. “Finn’s being talking about me?”

“Well, Katie has as well. She’s been gushing over a woman who helped her and has a love of books.” Kenny winks at me. “I can see why Finn’s been distracted lately.”