
“Areyouokay,Jade?”Alex, my date, frowns at me across the table. “You keep looking at your phone.”

I bite back a wince. I know I’ve been looking at my phone too much, but I can’t help myself. I put it down and pick up my knife and fork again.

“Sorry. I’m just waiting for a message from my dad.”

“Is something wrong with him?”

“He’s not been very well lately. He had to go to the hospital.” I hope he doesn’t ask too many questions about my life. “There are quite a few tests they’re running, and I want to be sure I’m on top of it all.”

“Of course. I understand.” Alex nods. “Do they know what’s wrong with him?”

“Not really. They want to run the tests before they give me any answers.”

“Let’s hope it’s nothing bad.”

Hoping that he doesn’t ask me anything more about it, I munch down on my chicken. Why did I agree to this when I knew my friend is not good at matchmaking? I should have been more forceful and told her to buzz off. Alex is nice enough, and he’s charming, but he is boring. Very boring. There’s something a little too clean-cut about him, and I’m uncomfortable with it.

Where on earth did Laura find him?

“So,” Alex picks up his glass of wine, “you’re a bookstore owner? I believe that’s what Laura told me.”

“Yes, I am.” I manage a smile. “I’ve been doing it for about five years now. It’s a great job.”

If you ignore that, I’ve got an awful landlord raising the rent now.

“I’m surprised that you love a job like that.”

“Why do you say that?”

“It involves books, after all.” Alex makes a face. “Books are just things that get in the way. Not all books, but fiction is just a lot of escapist crap.”

Did I hear him correctly? I frown at him.

“So, you’re saying you don’t like reading?”

“Of course not. Why would I want to do that?” Alex puffs out his chest. “I’ve got more important things to do than to pick up a novel and see what stupid scenarios they can come up with.”

“But what about thrillers? Action novels, science fiction?”

Alex scoffs.

“Like I said, I’ve got more important things to do. Like making sure I’ve got money coming in and being as successful as possible. And soccer. Nothing gets in the way of me playing soccer.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Laura is meant to be my friend, so she knows exactly what I do for a living. She’s come into the bookstore as well! Why did she think this man would be perfect for me?

Her matchmaking abilities are really not working at all. I make a mental note to ask her if she’s got her common sense or lost it anywhere recently.

“You do know you would have to sell that place, don’t you?” Alex says, gulping his wine.

“Excuse me?”

“If we go into a relationship, I expect you to sell the bookstore.”

I stare at him. Did he just…?

“You want me to give up my job because of you? I like being independent, and I hate being lazy.”