“Someone needs to help them out, and I’m more than happy to do that. They do end up being quite popular.”

“And things are going well with the shop?”

I see a flicker of something behind her eyes, and I feel a little guilty, knowing I’m why she’s feeling a little unsure. She would have gotten the notice about the rent being raised by now, and I know that will be on her mind. But I keep my mouth shut about it.

“It’s going well enough. While I might not be on a busy street and getting lots of traffic, I get enough to get by.”

Why do I get the feeling that she’s not telling me the entire truth? I want to find out more, but suddenly a squeal behind me makes me jump.

“Hey, Dad! Come and look at these!” She’s jumping up and down at the far end of the shop, beckoning me with her good hand. “I’ve found some awesome books that I think you’ll love. Come on!”

I should go with her—I did want to spend time with my daughter and cheer her up—but I’m suddenly reluctant to leave Jade. After finding out what I just did, I want to know more.

Jade raises her eyebrows at me.

“Aren’t you going to join your daughter, Mr. Clements?” she asks.

“I thought you were calling me Finn.”

Why does it hurt that she’s so formal with me? It doesn’t sit right.

“We’re not at the resort anymore, and I’m currently working.” She puts her glasses back on, pushing them up her nose. “I shouldn’t be so informal, especially with someone who is essentially a stranger.”

Ouch. I try not to flinch at her words. Much as I want to stay and talk to her—even if I can feel the tension between us—I know I should join Katie. She’s going to grab me and drag me away if I don’t. I don’t want to be embarrassed in front of Jade.

She certainly does look sexy when she’s not wearing her ski suit. The sweater she’s wearing is adorable on her curves, and somehow she looks hot with her hair tied back just as much as she did with it down. How does that work? I have no idea.

Those eyes are still as hypnotic as before. She must have all the men eating out of her hand with eyes like that. Then again, given what I witnessed at the resort, Jade isn’t keen on all of the male attention.

That Nate guy was mad for messing around with her. If she were mine, I would make sure she was treated like a princess.

Wait, where did that come from?

“Dad!” Katie appears at my side. “Come on! Stop staring!”

Damn, I got caught. Trying not to look at Jade, aware that my face is getting warm with my blushes, I turn away and face my daughter.

“Okay, I’m coming. What was it you wanted to show me?”

Chapter 7


“Aren’tyouhungry,Jade?”I sigh as I push my food around my plate. The meal looks gorgeous, and the aromas make my stomach growl, but I struggle to eat it. It’s like I’m eating cardboard, driving me crazy.

So much for coming out to eat yummy food with my friend; with the notifications I’ve been getting, it’s hard to get distracted with anything else. Maddison thought getting me out and about would help when she saw me in a depressed mood earlier, but it’s not working.

“I’m sorry, Maddison.” I put my fork down and reach for my drink. “I guess I’m not really in the mood for dinner.”

“We can ask if we can get a takeout container if you want. It would be a shame to make it go to waste.” Maddison wrinkles her nose.

“Maybe I’ll do that.” I sip my drink. “I am hungry, but I just can’t get anything down. It’s not happening. I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. I figured something was wrong, and you wouldn’t tell me what was happening.”

“So that’s why you took me out? To grill me in a public place when I can’t go anywhere?”

Maddison holds up her hands.