As Maddison drives away, I jump out and head to the door next to my store. I’m glad that I’m back now. After the ups and downs of the weekend, which turned into a more dramatic occasion than I anticipated, I just want to lie on the couch and watch mindless shows. Maybe a few YouTube text message stories. They are silly, and sometimes the voices annoy me, but at least they’re entertaining, and the drama is kept for the TV rather than real life.
I climb the stairs and into my apartment. It feels chilly, reminding me that I need to turn the heating on. I didn’t want to rack up a bigger bill while I wasn’t there, so now my teeth are chattering as I put my bag in the hall and head into the kitchen to turn the thermostat on. Maybe a hot bath is going to make things better.
Kicking off my boots, I head into the bathroom and turn on the taps. As the bath fills with water, I put some bubble bath in and begin to undress. My body is sore from skiing, especially my legs. My calves are really tight. If only I could afford a massage; that would really make me floppy, which is what I need.
A hot bath is going to be the next best thing.
I sigh as I sink into the bubbles, letting the boiling water tickle my skin. I turn off the taps and ease myself back. It’s hotter than I’m comfortable with, but it feels good. I can manage for a while before I turn into a prune and I get out.
As I watch the bubbles slowly pop out of existence, seeing them slide down my arms and legs as I lift them out of the water, I think about how the weekend went. In some ways, it was great, but in other ways, it was a total bust. What was Carmen thinking? She knew about the cheating and knew I didn’t want to see Nate. If she wanted Nate there, she should have told me so I had the choice to stay home. But instead, she told me that Nate wouldn’t be present. She had lied to me.
I don’t think we’re going to be friends after this. I don’t want someone who would defend a cheater in my life.
And Nate…the bastard would not leave me alone. Somehow, I managed to avoid him today, but I saw plenty of missed calls from an unknown number. He must have gotten a new number to get around the fact that I blocked him. I’ve also blocked the number, but I don’t know how long it will be before he tries to contact me again.
Some people might give a second chance after cheating, and that’s up to them. I’m not about to do it. Nate doesn’t deserve one. It will just give him notice that he can walk all over me without suffering any consequences.
He will be wasting his time, and I hope he finds out sooner rather than later.
Then my thoughts turn to Finn and how things were between us. He’s someone I wouldn’t want to be around for too long. It’s like my hackles go up when he’s present. He winds me up with that alpha-like cocky attitude he has, but his good looks make it even sexier, which doesn’t make sense. It might make sense in romantic novels I stock, and some women might find that erotic, but I don’t. It’s just a nuisance.
Besides, I’ve got more important things to worry about, like keeping my bookstore going. That’s enough to keep me busy rather than looking for another guy who is going to betray me. Nate is not getting me back, and Finn will certainly not get my attention.
He’s likely one of those rich guys who could have any woman he wanted. Something about his car and his clothes screams wealth. That’s way out of my league, and I’m not interested in him whatsoever.
If you’re not interested, why is your body tingling at the thought of being close to him? Why do you remember the brief moments when he smiles?
It’s just the bath. It’s playing tricks on my mind.
Ignoring the throbbing that has suddenly started between my legs, I wash my hair and quickly scrub myself down. Then I get out and dry off briskly, but it doesn’t stop me from shivering still as I put on my pajamas and dressing gown. At least the heating has adequately kicked in, so it’s not feeling as cold as before.
As I leave the bathroom and head towards the kitchen, I see a letter shoved under the door. From the look of it, there is a footprint on it. I must have walked over it when I came home.
Picking it up, I open it and scan the contents. Only for my stomach to drop. I have been aware that my landlord had passed away and his company would continue my lease, but the new landlord seems to have other ideas. He’s raising the rent—by a lot.
If I can’t pay it, I have to leave. There is no negotiation about it.
Now I feel sick. What were they thinking? I can’t pay the new rent. My landlord had been agreeable to leave it at a rate I was comfortable paying, saying that keeping my store open was more important than asking for what it should be. That’s how it’s been for a long time. Now his successor is telling me he’s going to put it up to what it’s supposed to be.
I can’t believe I’m getting this after the weekend I’ve had. This is one nightmare I am desperate to wake up from.
Heading into the living room, I slump onto the couch, curling into a ball as I clutch the letter in my hands. God, this can’t be happening. Of all the times to raise the rent, why did it have to be now? Why would they do that when I’ve never caused any trouble? My job and apartment are gone if I can’t pay the rent. I’m going to be homeless.
A thought enters my head. I remember the last time I spoke to Dad about the prospect of raising my rent if something terrible happened, and he said he could help me out. He would do whatever was needed to help me keep my shop. But I don’t want to do that. I’ve been living independently since I graduated college, and I’m not about to lean on Dad. I can do this on my own.
Nevertheless, the prospect of doing this makes me feel very cold and alone, like I’m lying in the snow back on the mountain.
Maybe I’ll see what I can do first. Asking Dad for help is just a last resort, nothing more.
I can do this.
Why does that feel like a lie right now?
One Week Later