"So?? That's not enough—"
"It's the only thing in the box, and there's a heart drawn at the back of the photo, and then I come here and see you."
"Damn! That makes sense," Logan swirled his head in my direction.
"Especially when Mom hasn't dated anyone since she had me. I just knew it had to be you."
"Seriously? You didn't date anyone?"
"Of course I did. She doesn't know what she's talking about," I defended aggressively.
Logan shook his head. "You are a terrible liar." And we all laughed.
Chapter Thirty-Two
It had been nearly one week since I found out about Cassie, and everything in my life seems to have fallen into place, and just not any place—the perfect place. My life had found meaning—like placing the last piece of a puzzle and seeing how everything comes together—I was complete. I was happier in every way, even more than I ever thought was possible.
There was this unrefined joy in fatherhood, and I spent every waking moment reveling in that feeling—that joy that pumped through my veins like a drug. It was the best kind of feeling, and I loved it. Harper and I spent most of our nights together, sometimes with Cassie sleeping between us on the small-sized bed, which was very inconvenient but also beautiful. We had our arms around each other, and there was safety there which is why we didn't just get a bigger hotel room.
We were one, a team, and it was the life I never knew I wanted, but damn, I was sure I needed it now. I couldn't imagine not having it—having them. Work had continued smoothly, too. Harper and I were still trending news. It wasn't any hassle, it all came too naturally now, and we wanted the world to see us. I wanted more than the world to see, though. I wanted Caleb to see, which I was sure he would have but for some unknown reason, he hadn't called either of us.
Things were less complicated and more resolved now. It was peaceful—not all the time, though. We still argued over the smallest things sometimes, but still, I would say peaceful because….I just would.
Everything was beautiful regardless of the slight inconveniences. Having Harper and Cassie with me was everything to me, and I knew….I knew I wanted to keep this for longer than today or tomorrow. I was certain—more sure of this than anything.
We would have to figure out the best way for this to work. Harper and Cassie were living in San Francisco and I had been in Boston for the last several seasons. But since I was up for free agency this season, I was already eyeing a spot on the Giants. So this would be a dream come true.
* * *
Riding in the car that afternoon, the music blared on the radio, and Cassie sang along in her beautiful small voice, swaying her head to the music. She looked beautiful, and watching her was like seeing a mini version of Harper, which was a thrill of its own.
"Where are we going?" Cassie grumbled when the song ended, turning to me. I could see her from the corner of my eyes while I drove.
I sighed. "You'll see," I grinned, taking my eyes off the road for a second to look at her. I was excited and knew she would be soon when she discovered where I was taking her and why I had insisted we went today when Harper was the busiest, working on the feature story.
"Are we there yet?" she whined, grabbing her orange juice and taking a long sip.
I smiled. She was just as impatient as Harper, and it was an amusement of its own—watching her be her mother. "Relax. I promise we are almost there," I assured.
"Right," Cassie mumbled, leaning against the window.
We arrived at the shop precisely thirty minutes later. I killed the engine, turning to her with a smile. "That didn't take long now, did it?"
"It was long enough," she had her head glued to the window, peering at the massive shop beside us. "Why are we here?" she turned to me. There was a glint in her eyes—one I particularly adored. It was the right guess.
I took off my seatbelt, "Can we go in?" I asked, opening the door beside me and getting off.
Cassie hurried out of the car, shutting the door. "You didn't answer my question," she sounded excited as she followed me to the shop entrance, holding my hand.
"Just watch. You'll see," I grinned, holding her hand tighter as we walked into the shop.
The air was imbued with the scent of polished silver and gold, intermingling with a sense of anticipation that hung in the atmosphere. Sunlight filtered through the display windows, casting a gentle, ethereal glow on the rows of exquisite diamonds and sparkling gemstones that adorned the velvet-lined counters, beckoning me forward.
"Good afternoon sir," the saleswoman clad in a printed dress said as I approached the counter, the diamond calling to me from behind the glass. "What can I help you with?"
"Good afternoon," I mumbled, my eyes strolling down the rows of diamonds. "I want that one," I tapped the glass with my free hand, pointing to a particular diamond ring whose beauty had caught my eye.