"Do you even know what cute means?"

"I'm six, not blind," she replied with a slight tease, and I couldn't help but laugh.

He laughed too. "Fair enough, I like that, but you're not allowed to say that out loud. You're a kid."

She hesitated for a bit. There was a glint in her eyes as she spoke. "Say that out loud," she cocked her head to the side, leaning forward. "So, I can think it, but I can’t say it?" she questioned.

Logan nodded, pride in his eyes as a smile spread across his lips. "Exactly that. Gosh! You're smart."

"Thank you," she mumbled. Watching them was adorable but also painful. I felt so guilty and bad for Cassie—for both of them, and it made my heart ache.

The cute waiter returned to our booth shortly with our food, and all conversations ceased until all our plates were empty—that didn't take too long. After dinner, I went to order a takeout for Amanda, and we went back to our rooms.

Cassie turned to Logan when we got to the corridor, leaving me hanging at the door. "Thank you for coming with us. Do you want to eat breakfast with us tomorrow?"

"Cassie," I called, holding the door open for her.

Logan gave a firm nod. "You know you sound like you're asking me out on a date, right? Too smooth for a six-year-old, by the way," he said.

"Does that mean, yes?"

"Sure, kiddo. I would like to have breakfast tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight," she waved, entering the room, and I followed.

"Harp," Logan called, catching the door just before it closed. "We should talk tomorrow."

His eyes were soft. "Sure. We will talk. Goodnight."

"Good night," he muttered, holding the door a little longer before releasing it, and I closed the door, lingering by it for a minute.

Chapter Thirty


I couldn't sleep the entire night. Like…mother like daughter, Cassie had haunted my thoughts in the most subtle way. It was hard to believe that hours ago, I didn't even know she existed. It was painful. She was so amazing, and I couldn't help but feel the regret pile up. I had missed so many things, she didn't even know who I was, and it was killing me inside, but I was sure I didn't want to miss out on her anymore.

Having dinner with Cassie last night, for a minute, it felt like we were a family, and I couldn't believe how much I wanted that so desperately. In the early hours of their morning, a knock echoed through the room, and I hurried to answer it, hoping it was Harper. The door opened, and Carl's bland face bored into mine—a little disappointed.

"Hey, it's been a while," he smiled.

"Hey," I responded dryly, leaving the door open and turning away. I went back to the bed and sat at the edge with my fingers running through the sheets.

"You okay? You look a little down," he pointed out, sitting across from me on the couch.

I faced him. He wasn't exactly the person I had been hoping to see. "I'm fine. I just woke up," I lied, shaking off my disappointment and lighting up a little. "What's up? How have you been?"

"I've been okay. The storm was crazy, though."

"Tell me about it," I muttered.

“How was it on your side? I was worried. Were you guys still on the road when it started?"

"Yeah. It was terrible," I sighed. "We had a minor accident too."

"Fuck. Was it bad?"

I nodded.