"Don't go anywhere," I said, watching her as she sat down before turning to Amanda. I moved closer to her. "Why did you fly Cassie here without consulting me?"

"Uhm. I'm sorry about that. You must have been shocked to see us. I would have consulted you, but I couldn't reach you for days, and then I heard about the storms here. We both did, and Cassie was very worried about you. I called for days, but your phone wasn't going through, and Cassie wouldn't do anything. She wouldn't go to school, and she was barely eating."

What? I turned to Cassie, catching her eye. "Then she begs me to book a flight. She was worried wick, and I was also worried about you, so I decided to fly over here—"

"Amanda—" I started, turning to her, but she didn't let me finish.

"I know I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry if it upset you. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I just wanted to make sure Cassie was alright," she gushed, almost ranting. "I'm really sorry. If I upset you by doing that."

I sighed in defeat, glancing at Cassie again and beckoning her to join us before facing her. "It's fine. Thanks for taking care of my kid."

"Of course."

"You must be tired. Did you book a room yet?"

"Not yet. I was about to before Cassie saw you and ran off."

"Oh! Well, you don't need to. We can just share my room. I don't think we would be staying that long anyway," I said with a wry smile. "Let's go."

We went up to the room, and a few minutes later, Cassie grumbled on the bed, pressing a hand to her stomach. "I'm hungry."

She looked so cute, and I laughed. "Me too. Let's go downstairs and have something nice."

"Yay!" Cassie jumped to her feet, and so did I, darting my eyes to the couch where Amanda slept.

"Amanda, will you join us? We are going down to get something."

"Nah. I'm too tired. I think I'll just take a nap."

"No problem. I'll bring you something from the restaurant."


I grabbed my purse from the table. "Hey, Mom. Can we invite him too?" Cassie asked out of the blue, and I swirled my head in her direction.

"Huh? Who are you talking about?"

"The guy you are mad at," my heart skipped a beat. "Can he come too?" she twinkled her eyes at me.

"Wh-hat? Why would we do that?"

"Because he is your friend," she grinned.

"No. He is busy with stuff," I lied.

"Are you sure Mommy?


"I thought you said he was your friend from work?"

"He is. We just don't have food together."

"That's not true. I saw some of your pictures of you and him a few weeks ago. And there were a lot of pictures of you guys at dinner. The comments said you guys were together."

She knew about that? "It wasn't like that. People say a lot of weird things online," I told her in my defense.

"I know," she chimed, holding my hand. "So, can he come?"