"Fuck! It got that bad."
"Yeah. It felt like she decided on the spot. Carl, I don't know what to do. I don't—" The words weighed heavy on my tongue, almost unpronounceable.
"You don't want her to go," Carl completed for me, and I nodded.
"So what did you tell her when she told you she was leaving?"
"Nothing good. I told her I had no objections and that she could go."
Carl shook his head. "You're an idiot."
"I'm well aware, thank you," I muttered, reaching for another shot and downing it.
"Why didn't you tell her to stay?" Carl pressed.
"I wanted to. Honestly, I did," I admitted. "But I couldn't get the words out."
"Why?" he probed further.
"Because she would rather leave, and I wouldn't—I cannot dare to stop her. I'm not even sure I can."
"So you're just going to let her go?" Carl quizzed, taking another shot.
"Yup. I am."
He sighed. "Are you sure you won't regret it?"
I scoffed. "I will regret it every day, perhaps forever, but I will let her go because she wants to go."
"Maybe she wants you to stop her," Carl pointed out. "Women are like that."
"I won't. If she wants to leave, I'll let her go," I said, reaching for another shot and downing it. Carl didn't say anything else, and we drank till I blacked out.
I woke up later in my bed, not knowing how I got there, but I could easily guess that Carl had dragged me up here after I passed out. I groaned, my head throbbing painfully as I slid up in bed, squinting my eyes at the brightness of the room. It was still midday from the look of it, and I was just as starved as I was hungover.
"You're awake," the sweet, gentle voice of Harper sliced through me. I could recognize that voice even in my sleep. My eyes flew open, scouring the room, and my gaze fell on her. She was seated on the couch opposite the bed and took to her feet, looking exquisite in her casual sweatshirt and high-waist shorts.
"Harp? What are you doing here?"
"Carl begged me to watch over you. He said you got drunk and will need this," she moved over to the bed and handed me a glass of water and aspirin.
"He is such a lifesaver." I took it from her and swallowed the pill.
"He?" she echoed, arching a brow. "I'm the one giving it to you. Am I not?"
"Yeah, but Carl gave it to you."
"I never said that. I only told you. He said you would need it. I got the aspirin for you."
"Oh! My bad. Thank you."
Harper smiled. "You're welcome," there was a knock at the door. "That should be lunch. I hope you're hungry. I ordered pizza," she went to answer the door.
"Great. I'm starved," I grinned.
Harper returned with a box of pizza and two cokes, and I joined her on the couch. "So, what time is your flight tomorrow?" I asked, sticking a slice of pizza in my mouth.
"Twelve, it was the earliest flight back. Why do you ask?"