“Any idea who it was?” She wrapped the stethoscope around the back of her neck and jotted down something on her pad.
He wasn’t about to tell her what had been going on the last day or so, and especially not who Matthew was. Small-town gossip was the worst, and news of the shooting was already spreading like a wildfire in the dry summer months. He was not about to tinge Polly’s reputation with even a hint of wrongdoing.
“I have no idea.” The small community hospital was about ten minutes from Polly’s place, and he closed his eyes. Maybe he could avoid any more questions until after he saw the doc and talked to Polly. He shuddered to think what might have happened if she had gone out on the porch if he hadn’t been with her. A full, involuntary body shake seized him.
“Clint.” Nina placed a comforting hand on his arm. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
“I’m okay. It just occurred to me it could have been Polly who got shot.”
“I didn’t realize you two were serious. I’d heard you were dating, but I guess the grapevine missed a few details.”
“No reason for the whole town to know what’s going on in my love life.” He opened his eyes. It wouldn’t matter if they did. He was happier than he’d been in years.
As if echoing his thoughts, Nina said, “Well, I can tell you this. Everyone who’s mentioned it thinks you two make a, and I quote, perfect pair.”
He started to chuckle, but groaned instead. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“Sorry, but I can tell you, that is one lady who was worried about her guy. If you could have seen the look on her face when we were lifting you.”
He turned his head to give her his full attention. “What did she do?”
“It’s not what she did; it’s what she didn’t do. The look on her face was fiercely protective. That woman would have sprung into action if you had so much as said ouch.”
He thought for a moment. It was bizarre how it took something drastic to really see what was right in front of him the entire time. She might not be ready to proclaim it to the world, especially with Matthew in town and the threat hanging over her. But her feelings ran just as deep as his.
The ambulance came to a stop and the backup beeper kicked on. It was a safe bet they had arrived at the hospital. He knew Linc and Annie would keep her safe while the doc was fixing him up. All he had to do was talk her into coming back to the ranch with him tonight and maybe for the foreseeable future until they sorted this all out.
It seemed like forever until Polly came into the hospital cubicle where Clint had seen the doctor. He was waiting to get an X-ray, just to make sure nothing was left behind from the bullet. Based on the size, the doctor thought it was a 9mm and it was a clean shot, but better to be safe. The minute the curtain pulled back and she was standing next to him, he could see the strain on her face and his blood on her shirt.
“Clint.” She bent over the bed and brushed her lips over his. “How’s it going?”
“What took so long?” He held up his hand, and she took it.
“I had to talk to the sheriff, and then Linc talked to Matthew. Not that he said much other than he was my ex just making his way through town. Of course, no one was buying what snake oil he was peddling. Sheriff Blackstone asked him to stay in town. That didn’t make Matthew happy at all, but I’m relieved. If he’s here, Matthew makes a better target than me.”
Clint didn’t agree with that statement since if what the ex said was true, they still believed she had their money, and they would until they learned the truth.
“Clint, can I ask you something?”
He gave her a half smile. “Anything.”
Her brows knitted together. “Did you even think for a second that I took the money?”
With a tug on her hand, he said, “Never even crossed my mind. You might have been slow to warm up to me, but I believe you’re the most honest and straightforward person I’ve ever met.” He gave her a wink. “Your ex, on the flip side, well, he’s as slippery as they come, and I’m sure we can find a way to rectify this situation as soon as I’m out of this hospital.”
Shaking her head, she frowned. “Once you get out of here, you’re going to get better, and then I’ll figure out a way to get out of this mess. I don’t want you getting hurt again because of me.”
Polly was amazing. Tonight someone had shot at her house, and she was trying to protect him.
“How about we compromise? We’re in this together. You’ve got my back and I’ve got yours. It’s part of the cowboy code. Loyalty.”
She leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Giddy up, cowboy.”
Polly lay awake on the full bed next to Clint. In the early morning sun, she watched his strong, chiseled jaw and deep dimples that had softened as he slept. She had changed from her blood-soaked shirt into a cozy sweatshirt she found in his drawer. Just twenty-four hours ago, she had been stalked by a mountain lion, and then Clint was shot. For all intents, it was probably someone again trying to scare her. But none of that was going to work. She would find out what Matthew did with the money and then get it to whoever was after it. The chips might end up being cow patties for Matthew, but she’d finally be able to look over her shoulder and no one would be watching her. Well, maybe except for Clint.
She ran her finger down his arm, not quite touching. He looked so peaceful and color flushed his cheeks. He rolled onto his back and opened his eyes.