Page 33 of Hiding in Montana

“I don’t get it. I’m not a threat to anyone. I walked away from my entire life and started over.” She dropped her head in her hands and groaned. “Besides, I don’t know anything.”

Clint rubbed her back, hoping it comforted her. He could feel the tension in her shoulders start to wane.

“You don’t mind staying tonight?” She didn’t lift her head but repositioned herself so that he could pull his chair in front of her.

He brushed her hair off her face and cupped her cheek. “If you weren’t going to agree to me staying inside, I’d be in my truck all night and that’s not as comfortable.”

She forced a smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “By Jed’s description, I thought for sure it would be Matthew we’d see on the video. But do you think that means something has happened to him?”

He wasn’t sure how to answer that, but in his experience, shady characters continued to live in the shadows and somehow always got by. Not that he’d say something to upset Polly. “I’m sure he’s fine. You never said you thought he was behind the text message you got, so I’m going to surmise there are two different things going on.”

She chewed her lower lip, which was something he had never seen her do before. This was the first time she had been this jumpy around him, too. Even with the mountain lion incident, she had been scared, but this was different.

“I should call Matthew. His number is in my call log and I could see if he’s okay and also if he’s in town.” Her words tumbled out before she took a breath. “Matthew wouldn’t hurt me. Maybe whoever is on the video found him and decided to…” Her voice died and she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know what to think or what to do.”

Clint stood and pulled her off the chair and into his arms. Holding her close was the only way he knew to help her feel safe. “I’m sure your ex is fine and he’ll turn up tomorrow at the ranch, trying to find you. When he does, you can ask him if he knows there’s someone hanging around here.”

Polly took a step deeper into his arms and laid her head on his chest. “Will you take me to buy a gun and a gun safe tomorrow? I had one when I lived in Portland and even if I don’t ever need it, I’ll feel better knowing it’s here.”

“Yeah, we can do that. After we pick something out, we’ll go to the shooting range too.”

He could feel her nod as she stayed close against him. His empty stomach picked that moment to protest. She laughed.

“Let’s make some dinner and talk about our camping trip.”

The mood instantly lifted with the sound of her light laughter. He lowered his lips to her mouth and took his time kissing her. He wasn’t about to rush her into a more intimate relationship, but he did his best to convey he wanted her.

She pulled back and looked up at him. “We have separate sleeping bags, right?”

Running his finger over the curve of her cheek and jaw, he said, “Yes, you’re in control of everything, as far as that part of our relationship is concerned. I’ll take it as slow as you want.”

She gave him a side-eye. “Is that a line you used to get a woman horizontal?”

The suspicion in her voice caught him by surprise. “I promise you, it is not a ploy to get anything. I don’t play games with anyone, least of all a woman whom I want to be in my life for a very long time.”

She blinked once, then again. Her lips parted. In a whisper, she said, “I’m falling for you.”

Relief washed over him. Thank heavens he wasn’t falling by himself. He didn’t move to kiss her, but looked deep into her eyes. “I’ve already fallen.”

She laced her fingers with his and tugged. “Does that mean we’ve created a new partnership?”

A great belly laugh bubbled up at how she phrased it. “Darlin’, partnerships are for business. I’d rather we said we’re in a friendship complete with romance, fun, and even a few hurdles.”

It was as if a cloud flitted over her face at the last word.

She looked at the floor. “I’m sorry about all of that.”

With a gentle touch under her chin, he urged her to look up. “If going through this now means we have smooth sailing later, then let’s deal with your ex and whoever else comes along. I’ve told you, you’re not alone anymore. Besides me, you have everyone at the ranch who likes and respects you, and they’d never let anyone harm you.”

She shivered, but then thrust her chin up and out. “I’m not afraid, you know.”

“I’ve never said you were. But it’s always better to face tough stuff with friends who have your back and I’ll be by your side. Consider me backup.”

“You really think I can handle Matthew and whoever else might be in River Junction because of him?”

“This from the woman who was living on hiking trails for months. Yeah, I do.”

She grimaced. “Look at how that turned out. I took a header and wound up in a hospital.” Then her face brightened. “But that led me to you.”