Page 29 of Hiding in Montana

Linc stood up and clapped him on the shoulder. Before Clint left, Linc said, “Are you sure it wasn’t the man who brought her, not the talk about a small town which are a dime a dozen across the country?”

As he crossed the driveway to the main house, Clint thought about Linc’s parting comment. That was something he hadn’t considered, but it made some kind of sense. Before he stepped onto the back porch, he paused, listening to the laughter of the women that drifted to him. Polly might not realize it, but those women considered her a good friend, and they’d stand beside her through whatever might come.

He strolled around the side of the house, and his gaze stopped on Polly. Color was high in her cheeks and her eyes were bright. There was no trace of the scared woman from earlier this morning.

“Ladies.” He tipped his hat.

Annie held up a heaping plate of cookies. “Care for a sweet treat, Clint? Mary whipped up these Rustler cookies just this morning.”

His mouth watered at the mention of his favorite cookie ever. Chocolate and butterscotch chips, along with coconut, pecans, and raisins, combined with oatmeal. It was a flavor explosion on the tongue. “Don’t mind if I do.” He smiled at Mary. “Thank you for these.”

Mary returned his smile. “After the morning we all had around here, I thought they’d be just the ticket to set things right.”

He bent down and kissed her soft, wrinkled cheek. “As usual, Mary, you’re spot-on.” When he straightened, he noticed Polly was watching the exchange, and she gave him a flirty wink.

“Polly, are you ready to head back out into the garden? I thought I could spend a little time with you since Rory had to take care of something for Linc.”

She looked at Annie before answering. “I’ll be fine. I plan on sticking to the greenhouse for the rest of the day.”

Not one to be deterred, he said, “Then I’ll walk you out.”

Daphne gave her a playful poke in the ribs. “This handsome man wants to spend a few minutes with you. I say go for it.” She leaned over and whispered in Polly’s ear, who laughed as Daphne finished her secret.

“I’ll just help clear the table and we can go.”

Mary shooed her away from the table. “Nonsense. Annie and Daphne can help. There’s nothing like a stroll, long or short, with a handsome cowboy.” She fanned herself. “I should know; my late husband was one, and I remember what it was like to be young. There’s nothing like it.” She gave Polly a flirty wink.

She couldn’t help herself, and she gave the older woman a hug around her shoulders. “You’re incorrigible, Mary.”

She patted Polly’s cheek as if she were her granddaughter. She wrapped up two cookies in a paper napkin and handed them to Clint. “Take a cookie for later and share them with your gal.”

He tipped his hat again and said, “Ladies,” before taking Polly’s hand.

He noticed she glanced back over her shoulder.

“They’re still watching us.”

He chuckled softly. “Of course they are. If I know Mary, she’s betting how long it’s going to take me to kiss you.”

Polly’s steps slowed. “Maybe I should have gotten in on that action.” She tipped her head to the side and stepped in front of him.

He circled his arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest. “I wanted to do this the moment I saw you sitting at the table, but I thought that might be a tad ungentlemanly.”

She slipped her hand behind his neck and pulled him close to her. Her sweet breath caressed his cheek. She whispered, “What are you waiting for, cowboy?”

That was all he needed to hear. He swept his hat off his head and lowered his lips to hers. It didn’t matter who was watching them. All he wanted to do was let his lips convey what his heart was feeling.

Standing in the middle of the rows of vegetables, he kissed her until her knees buckled against him. “Polly?” He pulled back and his eyes searched hers.

“Dang.” She cupped his cheek. “Where has that kiss been hiding?”

“Waiting for the right time, I guess.” He wanted to talk to her about telling a few people, but the words didn’t come out, not here and not now. “Any chance you want to go hiking with me this weekend?”

He felt her stiffen and pull back. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. The last time didn’t turn out so great for me, remember, and with lions and a creep’s text?”

Her voice trailed off, and he wanted her to feel safe. “I do, and that’s why I think it would be good to recreate moments with happy memories.”

He could see she was leery, but then a mischievous glint came into her eye. “Do you mean like sleeping in the same tent?”