“No worries, Mom. I’m going down to the barn and do a few chores, and then I’ll have dinner. You guys stay out as late as you want. No need to rush home on my account.”

Maggie kissed her on the cheek.

“Have fun.” Susie poked Jed in the arm. “Look after my momma.”

Jed smiled at Susie and then turned to Maggie. “You can count on it.” He opened the door and Maggie grabbed a heavy winter coat from the hook.

“Night,” Susie said as Jed closed the door.

Maggie zipped her heavy coat. “I’m sorry about all of that. I guess she’s giving me a taste of my own words when I ask her questions before she goes out.”

“That doesn’t bother me.” He took her hand as they walked down the steps in the direction of his truck. “I think it’s nice she’s invested in your happiness.”

“And I think it’s sweet you’re so patient with her.”

He opened the truck door. “Now that we’ve got all the nice and sweet stuff out of the way…” He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her softly. When he stopped, he said, “Hello. You look beautiful tonight.”

Her cheeks were illuminated by the dome light inside the truck and he could see they were flushed a sweet shade of pink.

When she looked him in the eye, his breath caught in his chest. She really was stunning; her blue eyes always did him in.

“Hello, cowboy. I was thinking if it’s too cold out, we can do something else.”

He held out his hand and helped her into the passenger seat. “I think you’ll be happy when you see our picnic setup. Do you trust me?”

She didn’t hesitate. “With my life.”

He closed the door and strode around the back, reminding himself tonight was hopefully the first of many with Maggie.

On the drive over to the lean-to, Maggie filled him in on what had happened with Monty Johnson earlier and that he was arranging to send five more carpenters to help speed up the construction.

“Are you sure he’s legit?” Jed flicked on his blinker as he turned up the gravel road heading toward the old Grace house.

“After he left, Jesse and I checked him out online and I also talked with Cora at the bank. He’s very wealthy and does have four kids. Sounds like he raised them on his own after his wife passed so I’m guessing he overindulged them. But either way, I appreciate adding people to the crew. That means it will go even faster.” She gazed out her window. “Are we at Annie’s parents’ place?”

“We are. There happens to be a great spot to watch the moon and stars.”

“But isn’t this where…” Her question died on her lips when he took her hand.

“Don’t worry, this place didn’t hurt me and Polly. A man did and he’s rotting in jail. I refuse to let what happened change how I live my life.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “Well, except no one’s ever going to get the jump on me again. I ignored my instincts and let my guard down, but that was the first and last time.”

He parked the truck as close as he could get to the picnic spot. Kissing the back of her gloved hand, he said, “Are you ready for our evening to begin?”

A slow, shy smile slid from one side of her mouth to the other. “Yes.”

With one simple word, he was a total goner. This really is the only woman for me. Slow down, cowboy. Give her time to fall for you too.

He carried the basket in one hand, holding hers in the other. Her gasp was audible the moment she saw the lean-to with a soft glow from battery-operated candles and someone had come and lit the fire. He’d have to thank Linc in the morning. He glanced around, sure Annie and Linc were close until he and Maggie arrived since they wouldn’t have left the fire unattended. But he didn’t see anyone.

“Jed, this is the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me.” Standing on tiptoe, she brushed his lips with hers. “It’s just perfect.”

His voice was husky as he said, “You inspire me, but I did have a little help from Annie, Linc, Daphne, and Quinn. I guess it takes help from my family to sweep you off your feet.” Dropping the picnic basket, he slid his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss.


Maggie was awestruck. The scene for their date was something out of a magazine spread for Amazing Montana Living. Or a picnic fit for a queen. There was a table for two set with a bouquet of greens and red holly berries just inside what couldn’t really be called a simple shelter. As she walked closer, she took in every detail from the thick rug on the ground to heavy drapes flanking the entrance, an arrangement of cushions and pillows for reclining with a full view of the sky and the crackling fire. Inside it was warmer than she thought it would be. But she surmised the heat was bouncing from the back of the tent to warm it too. In this moment, she felt as if she were royalty stopping for a luxurious meal during a journey to a far-off land.

“You outdid yourself.” She held out her hand for him and drew him closer. “It’s magical. Would you mind if I took a couple of pictures? I don’t ever want to forget even the smallest detail.”