“It’s okay, honey. Your father is going to let you go.” Maggie released Jed’s hand and stepped closer, holding out her hand to Susie. “Let her go, Cash. If you wanted to hurt me, you have. But none of this is her fault.”
“You’re right, she didn’t ask to be born. But she’s here now and she’s my daughter. You had her for the last sixteen years; she’s mine for the next. We’re going to ride the circuit together. She’ll be the best barrel racer around. The accolades she’ll win will be a direct result of me.”
At this point both officers had their weapons drawn, pointed to the ground. Tye lifted his gun and said, “Mr. Gordon, release your daughter and we can see to her injuries and yours. No one will be doing any riding if we don’t address them.”
It was as if this was the first time he noticed he had pierced her skin. “Susie Q. I’m sorry that I hurt you.” He ripped a package of gauze from the tray. “Here, use this.”
Jed gave her a half nod and Susie took the bandage. She tore open the package and the gauze fluttered to the floor. As she bent to retrieve it, Jed ripped her from Cash’s grip and twirled his body between them. With a warrior cry from Cash, the knife came down, slicing the back of Jed’s neck.
Tye and the other officer rushed Cash, grasping his arm and smashing it against the wall, forcing the knife from his hand. Susie lunged at Jed and buried her head in his chest and Maggie followed. He held mother and daughter in the protection of his arms.
As the officers kept Cash’s arms secured behind his back, Maggie heard Tye say, “Mr. Gordon, I’m placing you under arrest for the kidnapping of Susie Brady and for arson in burning down the Filler Up Diner.” He proceeded to read Cash his rights.
Maggie cried, “Jed, you’re bleeding.”
“Mags, they need to take care of Susie first.” He kissed the top of Susie’s head and wasn’t letting either of them go.
Jed looked up as Susie entered the horse barn. He glanced at the clock on the wall and noticed it was almost four. Her shoulders were slumped, and she moved slowly as if the weight of the universe was resting on them.
Five days ago, they had made the drive from Livingstone and Maggie had ridden in the back seat on the trip home to the ranch. Mother and daughter had talked nonstop about how Cash had reached out to Susie, asking her to keep it a secret from Maggie, and all the lies he had told to Susie about wanting a real relationship with her, but Maggie had prevented it. Cash had even gone so far as to say now that Jed was dating Maggie, she should be with him. Maggie would be fine. It had been sad to hear how that man had twisted so many things for Susie and her desperate desire to have a dad made it easy for him to manipulate her.
“Hi, Jed.” She wouldn’t look him in the eye; instead, her gaze landed mid-chest.
“Hello, how was school today?” He figured there was a burr under her saddle and she needed to work up to it in the conversation.
She kicked the hay on the cement floor, and he noticed she had her boots on. Maybe she was thinking of riding today.
“Okay. Everyone stopped asking about what happened.”
“Good.” He continued arranging the bridles on the hook even though he was done straightening them.
“How’s Nahla?” She glanced in the direction of the mare’s stall.
“Doing good but I bet she’d like an apple or carrot from you.” He picked up an apple from the bench nearby and tossed it to Susie. She caught it like this was part of their normal routine.
“Um, Jed. Can I ask you something?”
He smiled and stopped what he was doing. He loved it when people started with that question. He didn’t tease her and say she already had. “Sure. You can ask me anything.”
She lifted her eyes and looked at the bandage that extended above his collar. “Does that hurt much?”
“Nah, it’s just annoying. I’ll go to the clinic at the end of the week and hopefully they’ll take the stitches out.”
“That’s good.” She shined the apple on her sweatshirt. “Why did you do it?”
Now she had his full attention. “Do what, Suz? Drive your mom to the hospital?”
“Well, that’s part of it, but Mom said you were going to drive her all the way to Wyoming to get me, but then you heard about the accident and you went to the hospital.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Was it because of Mom?” Her voice was timid, as if she was unsure of so many things in her life.
“Sure, your mom was part of it. But I wanted to come and get you and bring you home.”
She looked him square in the eye. “Why did you shove me aside when Cash had that knife? You got hurt because of me.”