Tipping her head back, she drank in the night sky. “Will you look at those stars and that moon. I never get tired of it. Maybe I should talk to Tasha about adding a deck on the roof so that I could go out and watch the moon come up every night.”

“There is something special about moonlight over Montana.” He tossed the stick he’d been using for roasting dessert into the fire.

“Where else have you lived besides here?”

She could feel him stiffen and before she could find a polite way to say never mind, Jed began to talk. “I grew up in Colorado, left home after I graduated college. The business degree I had just didn’t fit what I wanted to do with my life. So, I worked on a ranch in Texas for a while, then Arizona, found my way to Wyoming, and then eventually parked my truck here.”

In that statement, he had said more than he realized. “Your family wanted you to be a businessman?”

“Yeah. When I said I wanted to work the land and horses, we agreed to part ways. So now you know I was a family of one until I landed the job with Pops.”

Maggie loved how everyone who had met Annie’s grandfather referred to him affectionately as Pops. He had been a very special man and had a way of making everyone feel as if they mattered. She put her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry you had to make a choice like that.”

“It is what it is.”

“Have you reached out to them at all since being here?”

He cleared his throat. “I send a card every Christmas and for their birthdays, not that I get anything in return, but at least I know I’ve tried to maintain contact.”

Her heart ached for him. “That’s all you can do.”

He put his arm around her waist and held her tight. “I’ve never told anyone that so please keep my secret.”

Sitting up straight, she put her hand under his chin and turned him to look at her. “You never have to worry about me oversharing personal information with anyone. That’s not my style and I appreciate that you trusted me enough to tell me.”

He dropped his chin and rested his head on her shoulder. She recognized it was a gesture of trust. “It feels good to talk to you like this.”

“I promise you, I will let Susie make her own way in the world, even if I don’t always agree. The most important thing for me is that she’s happy and knows my love for her is unconditional.”

When he hugged her, Maggie felt as if the world was finally tilting the way it was always meant to be.

“Unconventional first date conversation.”

She laughed softly. “Oh, do you think we missed some important topics? Then let’s get them cleared up. I’m a Gemini; my favorite color is lapis blue; I love daisies and fudge without nuts, but ice cream sundaes must have them. Morning is my favorite time of day with a good cup of coffee and a sunrise. I love books and always read the last chapter first, just to make sure the ending is worthwhile. And I’m partial to a cowboy with gray eyes and a sexy swagger.” With a saucy wink, she said, “Your turn.”

He pushed his cowboy hat back at bit. “In addition to my favorite foods which you already know, I’m a Capricorn; I’m colorblind so color doesn’t matter much to me. I’m equal opportunity on flowers. Nuts with everything. Anytime of the day is good for me and good coffee is a must, and for me, moonlight has taken on a new fondness. Oh, and I’m partial to a woman with curves who is kind and knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it.”

Maggie instantly thought of her asking to be kissed. But she wasn’t embarrassed. It had gotten them here.

“We have a lot more in common than either of us probably knew.” The fire popped and a few sparks danced toward the heavens. “You know I too have come to appreciate not just the evening but a crisp night by the fire.”

“Are you cold?”

She tipped her head and gave him a side-look. “We could go back and watch the fire from inside our little haven.”

He helped her up and they walked in sync and Jed stopped before they reached the entrance. “I’m not looking to rush anything, Maggie. Whatever happens is up to you.”

It was as if he read her mind. She wasn’t ready to get horizontal with him just yet. Not that she hadn’t thought about it as they sat next to the fire, but she wanted to take this budding relationship slow and steady and savor each moment they would have together. She had regrets once; she didn’t want either of them to be hurt by rushing into anything.

“If you’re not careful, I could really fall for you, cowboy.”

He brushed back her hair. “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you when you do.”

Her heart sighed. She had already fallen. Now to make sure she didn’t get hurt.


Loud voices from inside the barn caused Jed to break out into a run. Who the heck was carrying on like that around the horses? He rounded the corner and saw the door was standing open. Just inside were Maggie and Susie. Last night Susie had been teasing them about their first date and now she was screaming as if all was lost in the world.