“If you want my advice…”
Jed looked Quinn’s way and hoped the expression on his face would stop Quinn from continuing, but he wasn’t easily dissuaded.
He walked across the room. “Go back out there and ask her. I’m pretty sure she’s interested by the way her eyes follow you every time you’re in the room. And before you say it’s because you saved her and Susie from the fire, I call bull. We all know you’ve had a thing for her. Heck, when Polly was in trouble, who did Linc ask to speak to Maggie about newcomers in town?” He gave Jed a poke in the center of his chest. “You. And you know why? Because it’s not a secret that you’re carrying a torch for the woman.”
Jed snorted. “Who says torch anymore?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “Me.” He clapped Jed on the back. “Just think about it.” He pointed to the left side of the table. “Those need to go out front.”
Jed walked out the door backside first. Torch. He liked the woman, yes, but it wasn’t as if he was going to consider dating anyone else. Right, she’s the only woman who’s captured your interest since you rolled into town.
“Let me take a couple of these, and we can finish setting up.” Maggie took a plate of sliced bread from his hand and a dome-covered cake platter.
He stuttered, “Um. Sure.” Smooth…
Jed helped Maggie store all the orders in the large walk-in freezer and she pulled her coat on as they walked back into the dining room. She gave the dessert table one final look before giving him a flirty wink. “Care to walk me home since we’re headed in the same general direction?”
He held open the door and she walked in front of him. She smelled liked ginger and vanilla, probably from all the baking she had done today. “When do you start delivering?”
“Monday. It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is Thursday.” She pulled her coat closed. “What are you doing for the holiday?”
Jed stuck his hands in his jacket pockets to avoid the urge to take Maggie’s hand. “Quinn makes an amazing spread for everyone. Annie and Linc will come down with Mary and Daphne, and there will be a fire going all day in the dining hall. The hands filter in and out from breakfast until well after dark, munching on the never-ending platters. Holidays around the ranch are always food and people focused. You and Susie should join us.” He glanced her way. “Unless you have other plans.”
“I’ve always cooked for the two of us, but I can’t see how a turkey is going to fit in that tiny oven in the cabin.”
He laughed. “It won’t. I’ll bet Quinn wouldn’t say no to an extra pair of hands in the kitchen. I volunteer to peel potatoes and carrots. I’m not much of a cook, but that I can do. Mary tends to be the head chef that day, bossing everyone around, including Quinn.”
“That sweet lady wouldn’t boss—oh, wait, what am I saying? Mary has always been in charge of us all. And Quinn’s okay with it.”
As they drew closer to the cabins, Jed’s stride grew shorter. He wanted to prolong this walk as long as possible. “I think he looks at Mary like an honorary grandmother as we all do.”
They had reached the bottom of the porch steps to Maggie’s cabin. Inside, all the lights were on, throwing a soft glow over the porch.
“And here we are.” He nodded to the house. “Tell Susie I said thanks for her hard work today in the barn.”
“I wish I had realized how devoted she was to horses long ago.” She glanced at the cabin. “Despite my concern about the rodeo, I have faith in her and I need to remind myself she’s not her father. She won’t bail on her responsibilities.”
He dropped his voice. “She’s her mother’s daughter.”
Maggie looked into Jed’s gray eyes. Normally, hers were filled with laughter, but now there was a fire burning in them as he gazed into hers. His heart hammered in his chest and his breathing slowed. He was so attracted to her in this moment all he had to do was take a step in her direction, slip his arm around her waist and pull her close to his chest.
She tipped her head to one side and licked her lips. “Will you do something for me?”
He nodded. “Sure. What are friends for?” His mouth went dry at the word friends.
“Kiss me.” It wasn’t a question but a request.
His eyes widened and he drawled. “You want me to kiss you?”
“Yes.” The word came out as a soft caress.
He took two steps closer, and she felt his lips brush her cheek.
“No, not like that.” Her voice trembled. She tipped her head back and offered him her mouth. Jed didn’t need to be asked again. He took another step closer so there was almost no space between them. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but all he wanted was to…
He pressed his mouth to hers, tentative at first, almost hesitant until it deepened to a slow, mind-bending kiss. He moaned softly—or was that her? The world fell away as she stepped into him and slid her arms around his waist, and he did the same, crushing her to his chest. There it was, his answer; this was not one-sided.
How long they were in each other’s arms wasn’t lost on Jed. He could stay right where they were forever. She pulled back and gave him a sweet and tender smile that made his heart flip.