And because Rose clearly has it out for me, she asks the question I don’t want DeeDee to answer. “And how do you and BJ know each other?”

DeeDee’s cheeks flush an ever deeper pink. “Oh, uh... We hung out last semester.” Her eyes slide my way, and she bites her lip.

Quinn coughs, and River makes a noise. I don’t dare look at Winter.

Thankfully DeeDee has class, but she hugs me again and reminds me that I have her number before she flounces off.

“Well, that was spectacularly awkward,” Rose says.

“Thanks to you,” I mutter.

“You sure didn’t help yourself out.” Quinn arches a brow.

Lovey’s looking at Winter, but all she does is purse her lips. I’ll definitely hear about this later.

Then things get worse when it happens again, five minutes later.

The third time I try to put my arm around Winter, but she knocks it away. “Uh, no, dude. You don’t get to use me as your post-hookup shield.”

I realize I’ve done that a lot. I’ve used Lovey as a shield post-hookup, and even my cousin Lavender last year. I perpetuated the idea that Lovey and I were more than friends every time I threw my arm over her shoulder when a previous hookup came over to say hi. And how shitty was that for her? People probably believed we were on-again-off-again or in an open relationship.

When past hookup number three, whose name is Amy, leaves, Winter gives me a look. “You know, when you said you were a fan of the hookup, I didn’t realize it meant you’d slept with half the female population on campus. I mean, I guess you don’t earn your proficiency at oralgasms by practicing on a cut orange, but this is some next-level shit. Should I hand them all thank-you cards for helping you hone your skills?” She stands and starts packing up her bag.

Quinn bursts into laughter.

River slow claps. “You are my favorite fucking person in the entire world right now, Winter.”

“Same,” Josiah says.

Winter seems to be fighting a smile, but it’s tense. “I should get to my next class.”

“What building are you in?” Lovey asks.


“I can walk you,” I tell her.

She laughs. “Uh, thanks, but I need to get there on time, and you get stopped more often than a bus.”

“Isn’t this the picture of cozy?” Laughlin appears out of nowhere. He’s wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt to match his sunny personality.

Half the table jumps in surprise.

“Jesus Christ.” Rose presses a hand to her chest. “You’re in direct sunlight. Why haven’t you burst into flames?”

“I’m a day walker, didn’t you know?” He tips his head and skims her bare shoulder with a finger. “You’re burning, little Rose. Always so delicate, aren’t you?”

“Always so creepy, aren’t you?” she fires back.

“I’m going the same direction,” Josiah says to Winter as he threads his arms through his backpack straps. “I’ll walk with you.”

“I’m coming with for no other reason than to escape this one.” Rose pokes Laughlin in the hip, then elbows him in the thigh when he doesn’t move.

Josiah kisses River on the cheek.

Winter gives me a chin tip and waves to the rest of the table. Josiah holds out both arms and the girls link elbows with him, laughing as they make their way across the quad.

“Why is River’s boyfriend walking BJ’s girlfriend to class?” Laughlin asks.