River and Quinn laugh, but Lovey just sighs. “I told you to talk to her.”

“I did,” I protest. “She was cool about it.”

“I feel like maybe you played it down a bit.”

Laughlin takes a seat beside his sister. When they’re next to each other, the family resemblance is easier to see. “What are we talking about?”

“Why are you here?” I ask.

“Because I go to this school, and occasionally I decide that being a total recluse is overrated. Don’t worry, it won’t last long.” He folds his hands together and settles his chin on top.

“I didn’t try to play it down.”

“But did you warn her that you might run into more than one of your previous hookups on campus?” Lovey asks.

I bite the inside of my cheek.

She sighs. “That’s a nope.”

“Ah. Your playboy ways are catching up to you.” Laughlin chuckles.

His commentary is the opposite of helpful, so I ignore him. “Do you think she’s pissed?”

“It’s one thing to know something is true because you’ve been told. It’s another to have it thrown in your face. Once would have been tolerable, but three times in an hour is a bit much. Reality can be a hard pill to swallow,” River says.

“How do I fix this?”

“Eradicating your previous hookups would be one solution, but then you’d be the most notorious serial killer in history,” Laughlin offers.

“Dude, tone your sociopath down a notch or five,” Quinn says.

“Show her that you’ve changed,” River suggests. “And flowers are a nice touch. I always get Josiah flowers when I’ve been an oversensitive asshole.”

“I don’t know if she’s a flowers kind of girl.”

“I don’t think she’s ever had the chance to be a flowers kind of girl,” River replies.

“Good point.” I nod. “Flowers it is.”

On the way home from skate practice with Adele, I stop at a flower shop and call Lovey for help. Winter’s favorite color is blue, so I pick out an assortment of pretty blossoms I think she’ll like. I don’t go too overboard, though, because she’s not a fan of over-the-top. See my flashy Jeep for details.

When I get home, I park myself in the lounge chair in her living room. Lacey works part-time at the school bookstore, so she won’t be home until later, and Lovey is at my place, helping Rose sort through Quinn’s notes. River is at Josiah’s, which is typical these days.

The sound of the alarm being punched in, followed by the door opening and closing startles me awake. I run a hand over my face and put the footrest down.

Winter comes to an abrupt halt when she sees me and the bouquet of flowers in the lounger. “What’s this about?”

“Apology flowers.”

She frowns. “What are you apologizing for?”

“Lunch today.”

“We’ve already talked about this.” She adjusts the strap of her backpack, eyes on the bouquet in my hands. “You didn’t have to buy me flowers because your past hookups still have deep appreciation for your sexual skill set.”

“Are you using sarcasm to deflect?” I ask.

She blows out a breath and looks at the ceiling. “I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. What you did before we started this shouldn’t matter.”