The tension between the two men climbed and twisted until it was so taut, I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move.

“There’s a rule every guy knows,” Colin’s tone was absolute, “and it’s that you don’t fuck your friend’s sister.” He dropped his half-eaten pancake on the counter like he was suddenly too disgusted to eat. “I don’t know what pisses me off more. That you did it anyway, or that everyone else knew about it except me.” His expression was a mixture of hurt and anger. “This fucks everything up. I mean, you get that, right? Not just between us, but our business. Things with Troy.” His gaze rolled to me. “Things with Syd.”

“Yes,” Preston said.

And that was all he said.

It wasn’t followed with an apology or a defense or any elaboration. His simple acknowledgement only made Colin’s anger burn hotter.

I felt itchy in my skin. It wasn’t my brother’s fault he looked a lot like our dad, but his disapproval chewed at me, and I couldn’t sit still. I was most confident in the kitchen. So, I needed to get in there, into my domain, and regain control. I would heat the food and plate the dish the way I’d intended to present it, and then this would all go better.

Except Colin was blocking my route, and he wouldn’t move when I tried to get by him. He was too focused on Preston to even notice me.

“That’s it?” Colin demanded. “You’re not sorry?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” Although Preston didn’t sound it at all. “I’m sorry you made a dumb rule that said I couldn’t date Sydney.”

It was like he’d slammed on the brakes with both feet. I threw him a look, asking what the hell was he doing, but he pressed forward despite it.

“But I’m not sorry I’m with her,” he continued. “I knew it was going to fuck things up, and I wish it didn’t. I tried to stay away, man.”

Colin’s expression soured. “Oh, did you?”

On the car ride over, Preston had asked if he could lead the conversation, and I had reluctantly agreed, but the urge to defend him was overpowering. “He did. Us hooking up was my idea.”

“I don’t want to hear about that.” My brother winced. “He took advantage of you. And eventually he’s going to hurt you because he fucking sucks at thinking about anyone else, or putting other people first. Case in point? The one thing I asked him not to do was go after you, and he fucking did it anyway.”

Irritation swirled inside me, and I opened my mouth to speak, but Preston beat me to it.

“How the fuck can you say that?” His chest lifted with an indignant breath. “Yeah, sure. I haven’t always been great in the past. I struggled, and maybe I was self-centered, but I’ve always been there for you, dude. Without question. Without judgement. Whenever you blew up your life and needed a safe place to land, who’d you turn to?”

His point was direct and sharp, and even though it was true, Colin didn’t like hearing it.

His eyes narrowed. “So, that means what?” My brother’s tone was shockingly dark. “Because you helped me out, I owe you my sister?”

Preston closed his eyes and sighed. “Fuck, no. I’m trying to remind you I’m not some terrible guy.”

“You are when it comes to women.” His focus sharpened on me. “Do you know that?”

There was something else he wanted to say, but it gave him pause, like he wasn’t sure if he should go there. But then the decision was made, and his shoulders lifted with a deep breath.

“He cheated on Cassidy.”

Oh, wow.

“What the fuck?” Preston demanded.

My brother ignored him and kept his gaze on me. He expected this to be a big revelation, and when I didn’t immediately react, confusion splashed across his face. Anger simmered off Preston in waves and it felt like I was standing too close to a pot of boiling water.

I lifted a hand, signaling to him to keep cool.

“Yeah,” I said quietly. “I know because he told me about it. That was a long time ago.”

“Yeah? Well, it wasn’t that long ago he’d fuck any girl who looked at him twice.”

“Jesus Christ,” Preston spat out.

Once again, my brother wasn’t deterred. “He’ll use you, Syd, and when he’s had enough of you, he’ll walk away. He’ll dump you or ghost you because the only feelings he cares about are his own.”