My voice went low. “When?”

Both of our gazes were locked on the large sparkling diamond that was surrounded by smaller ones on each side. “After my set. I was thinking that I’d—”

Footsteps came down the hall, growing louder as the person approached, and Troy scrambled to put the ring away. He’d just finished shoving the bag back into his pocket when Colin stepped into view.

He’d probably had the same thought about trying to catch Troy before his set, and when he discovered I’d beaten him to it, his eyes narrowed.

Troy let out a relaxed breath, but mine tightened in my chest, and it seemed to be the same for Colin. He didn’t like that I was here, but that was too fucking bad. I’d gotten here first.

The room seemed too small to hold all of us and the tension he brought with him, but he didn’t retreat. He angled his shoulders away from me and his focus shifted to our friend, and it was like I no longer existed.

“I wanted to stop by,” he said, “and say hey before you went on tonight.”

It didn’t go unnoticed how frosty Colin’s attitude was toward me, or how my posture was stiff.

“Thanks.” Troy tilted his head. “What’s going on with y’all?”

Colin’s tone was bitter. “Turns out this asshole,” he tossed a hand my direction, “is fucking my sister.”

So much for keeping tonight about business.

He’d expected Troy to look shocked, for our friend to glare my direction and ask what the fuck was wrong with me.

Instead, Troy sighed. “I thought you were going to wait to tell him.”


“Wait.” Colin went rigid. “You knew?”

Troy had a lot going on tonight, so it was understandable he wasn’t thinking straight, and hadn’t realized how this sounded until it was too late. He frowned and set his hands on his waist in an attempt not to look guilty.

“I only found out a few days ago.”

Hurt cut through Colin’s expression. “What the hell? I’m not surprised that fucker went behind my back, but you too?”

“Hey,” I piped in, “this is my fault, not his. He didn’t go behind your back. I asked him not to tell you because we need tonight to go smoothly. Shit, especially now.” I pulled the door to the room closed and nodded to Troy. “You should show him what you showed me.”

Troy didn’t hesitate. He dug out the bag and then the ring from inside, leaving Colin just as stunned as I’d been. Seeing it a second time, it blew my mind all over again.

“Whoa.” A smile curled at the edges of Colin’s lips. “Really?”

“Yeah, really,” Troy said. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Since most of our friends and family are here, I figured tonight is the night.” He stared at the ring like it might sprout legs and run away if he took his gaze off it for a single second. “I’m pretty sure she’s going to say yes, so I don’t get why I’m so fucking nervous.”

Was he serious?

“I do,” I said. “This is huge and it’s what you’ve wanted ever since you laid eyes on her.”

A year ago, if he’d told me he was thinking about getting married, I might have been an asshole and tried to talk him out of it. I’d have told him he was too young, or how he hadn’t reaped all the benefits of his fame and should be drowning in pussy.

I’d have done it because I was selfish and didn’t want things to change. I’d have whined I wasn’t ready to have a friend who was old enough to have a wife, or that she was going to take him away from me.

Fuck. Maybe he hadn’t told me he’d bought a ring because he was worried I’d always react that way.

But, no.

I wasn’t that guy anymore. He was happier than ever, and anyone with half a brain could see he belonged with Erika. It was strange and kind of nice that I was excited for him to take this step.

And I wasn’t the only one, because Colin shifted on his feet. “Don’t sweat it.” The animosity toward me was shoved aside and warmth filled his voice. “She’s going to say yes. You’ve got this.”