When I shifted my stance on my knees and straightened, I found a different angle, and she gave a sudden moan that was soaked in pleasure.

“Yeah?” I rasped. “Does that feel good?”

“Oh, my god, yes.” Abruptly, her gaze ran from mine and her expression fell.

My heart thudded and I slowed my pace. “What’s wrong?”

Her focus snapped back to me, revealing her expression wasn’t upset or scared—this was something . . . else. Something naughty and sinful. There was an electric charge in her eyes I hadn’t seen before.

“I shouldn’t be doing this.” Her voice was hushed and affected. “I’m supposed to be a good girl.”

Fuck me.

My dick jerked, and she obviously felt it because her pussy clenched on me in response. The idea of being bad turned her on and, yeah. I was into it. I moved my hips faster, thrusting harder and causing her tits to reverberate with each jolt. A dark grin lurked at the corners of my mouth.

“Oh, my god,” she whined, putting her fingertips over her lips and she spoke through them. “I shouldn’t have your cock inside me right now.”

I exhaled loudly and slid a hand under her head, lifting her so she could see the way I disappeared inside her. “But look at how good you are at taking it.”

She gasped, and she watched the slippery slide of my dick into her body from the bottom of her eyes like the sight was almost too hot to look at.

Fuck, it probably was.

I pictured what we’d look like if someone strolled up to the car and peered in. They’d see her naked, and on her back, and me kneeling between her legs, fucking her while I was bent over and trying not to bang my head on the low ceiling.

Shit, I’d bet we looked amazing.

I eased her head back down onto the seat and fumbled a palm over her breasts. She moved with me, and even though the car was a million degrees, goosebumps lifted on her arms.

I dipped down to drop short kisses on her mouth, and longer ones on the side of her neck. Her chest heaved with her labored breath, and it was punctuated with her little gasps and moans.

How the hell was each one sexier than the last?

She had a hand braced on the door and another clasped tightly on my shoulder, holding on as I built to a punishing tempo. It made the car rock, and if I kept this pace, I wasn’t going to last much longer.

Her body was a vise, gripping me, and I felt it fucking everywhere. Pleasure ricocheted through me, bouncing through my limbs and gathering in my center toward the big finish.

And while I could tell she really liked what we were doing, I suspected it wasn’t going to be enough to get her across the finish line before me. We needed a new position, preferably one that’d give my knees a break and my fingers access to her clit.

I ringed my fingers around the base of my dick and made sure the condom stayed in place as I pulled out of her, and it was satisfying to hear the needy, frustrated sigh she gave when I’d stopped.

“I want you on top,” I demanded.

She blinked, and I could see the thought running through her mind. How the hell are we going to accomplish that?

Awkwardly, was the answer. She moved as close to the center as possible and turned sideways, making room for me beside the door. I got on the seat, wiggled beneath her, and when she hitched her leg up, her foot thudded loudly against the window.

Her laugh was embarrassed, but she finished the move, planting a knee on either side of my hips so she was straddling my lap. My dick was trapped between our bodies, and while the feel of it was nice, it wasn’t enough. I needed to make her come, and I wanted to be inside her when it happened.

A few strands of hair were stuck to her glossy face, and as she got used to this new position, she ran a fingertip across her cheek, pushing the strands back. Her cautious gaze darted out the windows, checking to see that we were still alone, because with her on top, she wasn’t hidden anymore.

But it was just us.

I had her all to myself.

My hands settled on her hips, and I shifted on the seat, adjusting her position while I nudged at her from below. “Fuck,” I said. “Get that pussy on me.”

She shuddered and her eyes hazed as she lowered herself onto my dick, one slow inch at a time. The pleasure was immediate for both of us, and my pulse quickened. Air tightened in my lungs, making it hard to breathe. It was like a fist had reached inside me and squeezed.