His gaze zeroed in, and as he studied me, I was sure he could see all the anxiety and excitement I was trying to disguise. His confusion was overridden by intrigue. “What is it?”

“Get in, and I’ll show you.”

It didn’t take him more than a second to consider it, and then he was moving toward the passenger side.

“Whose car is this?” he asked once we were both seated inside. “Your dad’s?”

“Yeah.” I buckled my seatbelt and started the engine. “He let me borrow it when I told him I was going to the movies with my friend Hailey.”

A sly smile edged his lips. “Because he wouldn’t let you borrow it to see me?”

“No.” I reversed out of the parking spot. “They’ve said I’m not allowed to see you anymore.”

“Is that so?”

Even though I was watching the backup camera, I could hear his wide smile from his tone, plus the thoughts in his mind. He took my parents’ demand as a challenge. A rule he was happy to break.

“And yet, here we are,” he teased. “Bad girl.”

I switched the car into drive and glanced at him for a moment, just long enough to show him the thrill his words caused.

Preston was quiet as we exited the parking lot, and he didn’t say anything either as I rounded the side of the enormous theater, but his confusion returned when I wove around a dumpster and then on to the alley at the back of the building. The wide lane of pavement was sunbaked and had seen better days, and I dodged large potholes, cracks, and puddles of gravel as we crawled along.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

Ventilation and pipes snaked across the back of the theater, and on the other side, the alley gave way to a heavily wooded area. It looked like no one ever came back here—at least, not unless something broke and needed repair.

I tucked the car in beside the center of the building, beneath the ancient-looking fire escape stairs, which seemed to be more rust than anything else, and put the car in park.

“Do you remember Sabrina Farrell?” I turned in my seat to look at him. “She was a sophomore when you were a senior.”

“Not really. Why?”

“She used to work here, and we were friends, so she told me about this place.” I gestured out the windshield and drew in a preparing breath. “This is where she’d go to have sex with her boyfriend, because she wasn’t allowed to have boys over to her house.”

He blinked, digesting the information.

“There aren’t cameras back here,” I said. “At least, there weren’t any a few years ago, according to her, and if my parents decide to check my location, they’ll see I’m at the theater.” My skin grew uncomfortably warm. “It means this is the perfect place if you wanted to,” my breathing went shallow, “fuck me in the back seat of my dad’s car.”

He flinched, but it was in a good way.

It was like the idea was so hot, he didn’t know how to handle it. His lips parted so he could drag in a deep breath, and his eyes turned molten. The intensity of it made my heart skitter and sweat blossom on the back of my neck.

His tone was patronizing because he knew it was unlikely. “What if someone comes out and sees?”

“I don’t care,” I whispered. “I want to be bad.”

“Yeah?” When he leaned in, it somehow pushed out all the air between us. “You wouldn’t care if they saw you riding my dick?”

On some level, I was aware he said things like that just to watch my reaction, but he had no idea what they really did to me. How his words filled my body with smoke. How tight he could twist the tension inside me until I considered begging for release.

I shook my head, but that caused him to quirk an eyebrow in displeasure.

His order came in a low voice. “Say it.”

I bit down on my bottom lip and then powered through. “I don’t care if they see me riding your dick.”

“Hmm. I’m not sure I believe you.” His expression was a mixture of victory and pride. “Let’s see if that’s true.”