“I’m not twenty-one,” I said automatically.

The second it was out, I wished I could take it back.

A lazy grin dawned on his face. “Right. I forgot for a second that you’re a good girl.”

I didn’t miss the challenge he’d lobbed at me. I shifted my stance, striving to look confident. “You know what? Rum would be great.”

He laughed as he pulled a bottle with a white label from the shelf. Plastic cups were retrieved from the upper cabinet and then filled with ice, followed by the tiniest pour known to man of rum into each one.

“Let’s not go crazy,” I teased. “Those drinks are almost as much of a virgin as I am.”

He chuckled, popped the top on the can, and distributed the soda between the cups. “Yeah, they’re weak, but you can have as much as you want . . . after the lesson.”

I knew what he was doing. He didn’t want either of us hammered, or even tipsy, judging by the miniscule amount of alcohol he’d doled out. Was he worried he might take advantage of me? It wasn’t possible. I wanted him even when I was stone-cold sober.

He put away the rum, picked up the cups, and then offered one to me. “Cheers.”

I took the drink, and although my heart beat faster, my voice sounded steady. “To lesson number three.”

His eyes glinted, announcing he approved of my toast. Our plastic cups were tapped together, and we each took a sip, and when it was done, I turned my focus toward the dark doorway that I suspected was the entrance to his bedroom.

“This thing you have for me—that’s not your penis,” I gestured to the door with my hand holding the cup, “is it in there?”

His expression was unreadable. “It is.”

Was he waiting on me? When he didn’t move, I took a breath and strolled forward without an invitation.

Because we were heading into summer, it was still light outside. Some of it seeped through the high window on the far wall, but it was filtered through a set of closed blinds. It meant the long, narrow bedroom wasn’t completely dark—but it was close.

It took my eyes a moment to adjust before I could make everything out.

There was a beige couch against the wall that looked older, but it was still in decent shape, and opposite it sat a queen-sized bed with mismatched nightstands on either side. The bed was made with a silver bedspread and black pillows decorating it. Decidedly more manly and grown-up than the pale pink one in my room.

That was where he slept.

It’s where he jerked off the other night while thinking about you.

I knew this because he’d casually dropped that information in a text he’d sent me yesterday, and I had to hold in a shudder of pleasure now as I stared at the appealing, yet intimidating bed.

My gaze drifted over to the dresser situated under the window. There wasn’t much on it. A few picture frames, a jar of spare coins, and some . . . candles? That was surprising, as was how clean the room seemed to be. There weren’t dirty clothes on the floor, or crumpled receipts littering the dresser, or the useless clutter that always seemed to accumulate when you were busy.

Everything was put away, in its place.

Weren’t boys supposed to be messy?

Colin’s room had always been a disaster, and even though he lived with Madison now, it hadn’t improved that much the few times I’d been to their place. It made me wonder. Had Preston cleaned his room for me, like I’d done for him?

I’d been so engrossed in looking at everything, it wasn’t until the door clicked shut that I became aware of him. We were in his bedroom, with the door shut, and alone in his house. It was like the trifecta of sin for my parents.

Wait, scratch that. I was drinking too.

I took a sip of my rum and Coke and savored just how bad I was being, and when I set my gaze on Preston, I instantly thirsted for more.

Maybe he hadn’t put any effort into how he looked tonight, but it didn’t matter. His brown hair was swept back and his face clean-shaven, showing off his strong jawline. It made my knees weak, and my focus jumped from the couch to the bed and back again as I wondered where I should sit.

He must have sensed what I was thinking because he motioned to the couch. “Have a seat and I’ll get it.”

He flipped on the light switch, and I blinked against the sudden harsh light as he strode across the room, dropping his drink off on top of the dresser before making his way to the door in the corner. I sank down onto the couch, holding my drink, and watched as he disappeared into the walk-in closet, which wasn’t as neat and organized as the rest of the room.