All the moisture in my body began to flow toward the center of my legs.

My gaze worked its way over his bare thighs, moving on to his large, hard dick, and up his body before settling on his face. It was sexy seeing him like this, and it grew stronger still when he worked to undo the line of buttons on his shirt, throwing it open to show off his notched abs and toned chest.

Good god.

How was a girl supposed to look at him and not think about sex?

He lifted an arm and cast it across the top of the back seat, inviting me to look and touch and study him however I wanted. When a proud smirk tilted his lips, he became so scorching hot, it was downright lethal.

There was also a playful challenge in his eyes, and since I was competitive, I couldn’t ignore it. He’d teased that I shouldn’t go down on him because I was a good girl, but it was obvious how much he didn’t want me to be good right now.

Some unknown force took control and loaded my voice with sin. “You’re right,” I said. “I shouldn’t. Colin wouldn’t like it either.”

He jolted, and for a tense second, I was sure I’d made a mistake. Crossed a line I shouldn’t have. I gripped air tightly in my lungs.

Preston’s eyes became magnets, sucking me in, and an electric charge crackled in the tension between us. It was so taut, I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to break the spell. He blinked oh-so-slowly, like maybe he didn’t want to disrupt the spell either.

“No, he wouldn’t,” he said finally. “But you’re not going to let that stop you, are you?”

I shook my head quickly, agreeing.

His chest rose with an enormous breath when my fingers tentatively curled around him, and he let out that same heavy breath as I stroked down the length, going from tip to base. His skin was warm and velvety soft, in contrast to the firmness beneath.

It was wild I was here right now, doing this. I’d spent years lusting after him, never believing it’d be anything more than fantasy. I was nearly giddy, and my excitement destroyed any sense in my brain.

“You’ve got a really nice dick,” I said.

Holy shit! I froze and pressed my lips together, wishing they were glued shut. Where the hell had that come from?

My out of the blue comment fucking thrilled him, and Preston’s nice dick jerked in my hand. “Thanks. It’s not as nice as your tits, though.”

And to reinforce his statement, his gaze drifted longingly over my bare breasts. It would have made my heart beat faster if that had been possible, but it wasn’t. I was already at max speed, struggling to keep up.

I’d been naked with a few guys before, but this was so different. Even with the rain, it was still daylight outside, and light filled the interior of the car, leaving few shadows to hide in.

Plus, I’d never had a guy look at me the way he did now. As if I were so sexy, it was taking everything in him not to change his mind and ask me if I wanted to go all the way.

I resumed the slow glide of my fist over his dick and watched with fascination as his eyes hooded and he slumped back against the seat. He was enjoying the hand job I was giving him, but his hips moved, urging me to go faster.

When I picked up the pace, satisfaction dripped off his expression and his chest lifted in a hurried rhythm. It was so freaking erotic that I had to pinch my thighs together against the ache deep inside me.

Watching him was fun, but giving a hand job wasn’t my favorite activity. I never knew how hard to squeeze, or how fast to go, or if his face was actually filled with a grimace instead of pleasure.

But blow jobs?

Those were a lot easier to get right.

I gave him a final stroke, adjusted my position beside him, and leaned over his lap, preparing to take him in my mouth.

“Does the good girl know how to suck cock?”

His dirty question lit a fire in me, burning away inhibitions. “I may be a virgin, but don’t worry. I’ve sucked plenty of dicks before yours.”

Something that looked suspiciously like jealousy flitted through his eyes. “Pro tip,” his smile was pained, “maybe don’t talk about other dicks when you’re about to suck mine.”

I froze.

Oh, shit. Had I offended him?