It was sweltering.

She may have been a virgin, but she knew what she was doing when it came to kissing. I was supposed to be coaching her, to teach her all about sex, but it was clear she was going to show me some things, too.

I dragged my mouth down her neck, letting my hot breath bounce off her skin as I worked my way back to her tits. I was all over her, licking and nipping at her breasts, and her quiet gasps and sighs flooded the back seat.

Tension was building inside us.

It made her undulate faster, and I sucked in a breath through tight teeth. The way she was grinding felt so good, it was kind of worrying. I was twenty-four years old, not fifteen, and coming in my pants wasn’t an option. Certainly not from dry-humping, and definitely not with Colin’s little sister.

If he knew what we were doing right now, how she was topless and breathless from riding my lap, he’d fucking kill me. It was so wrong.


But that was what she wanted to be, right?

A dark thought wormed its way into my brain, seizing control. It had me grabbing one of her wrists and pulling it behind her back, making her arch and shove her tits further in my face.

“You’re such a good girl, Sydney,” I teased, my mouth going from one nipple to the other. “Fuck. Grind that virgin pussy on me.”

Her breath left her in a loud exhale. Had my words given her an unexpected punch of pleasure? Her moans swelled and her hips moved ruthlessly. She was humping me like a needy, desperate creature, panting from the exertion. And she didn’t seem to be in control of her body anymore—only the urge to find satisfaction was driving her.

It might have been the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

No, scratch that.

When she let out a deep groan and abruptly began to shudder uncontrollably—that was the sexiest thing ever. The back-and-forth jerk of her hips slowed to a stop, and her head lolled forward so she could drop her forehead down onto my shoulder.

Everything went quiet except for her as she struggled to find air, and the patter of rain falling against the windows.

“Did you just come?” I whispered.

I released her wrist and she melted into me, her warm breasts flattening to my bare chest. I could feel how fast her heart was beating and the quiver that shook her legs. It made me pulse, intensifying the ache in my pants.

Her head didn’t move. She continued to rest it on my shoulder, but I got the sense it wasn’t fatigue holding her there. Was she . . . embarrassed?

Sydney’s voice was so quiet and rushed, it was hard to understand. “That’s a first.”

I went still and my chest tightened. “Your first orgasm?”

Shit, it was wrong how much I wanted that to be true. I was greedy and selfish, wanting all her firsts.

She pulled back and straightened, but her eyes wouldn’t meet mine. Her gaze latched on to my chest, focusing there like she was too shy to look anywhere else. “No,” she said. “Just my first time,” she hesitated, “in front of someone else.”

Well, fuck me.

This answer was even better than the one I’d hoped for.



Sparks continued to ricochet through my body even as my orgasm faded, and I stared at Preston’s chest, unable to look him in the eye. I’d never lost control like that in front of someone else. The sounds I’d made, the way I’d acted . . . It was impossible not to be embarrassed.

“Okay,” he said, “that’s seriously hot.”

I couldn’t interpret his tone. Was he making fun of me? I crossed my arms over my chest to cover my nakedness, and my gaze flew to his face. But it seemed he’d meant it genuinely, judging by his thrilled smile.

I had no idea what I looked like to him. My face had to be flushed because it was a million degrees inside his car, and I couldn’t catch my breath. I’d had plenty of orgasms before, but they’d been late at night and in the safety of my own bed.