When I winked at her, she laughed. “I happen to love apple pie, and think I make a pretty good one myself.”

“Is that so?” I asked with raised brows. “Might have to get you to have a pie bake-off with my mother.”

She rolled her eyes, and for a moment, I thought she was going to say that would never happen, but yet again, Kipton surprised me. “Please, I would win hands down.”

I nearly choked on an almond I’d tossed into my mouth. “Wait, you think your apple pie is better than my mom’s?”

With a shrug, Kipton replied, “I mean, I don’t know for sure. I’d have to taste hers.” She sighed. “I’m starving! Who knew great sex could make a girl so hungry?”

I grinned at her like a fool. “How do you know it was great? You don’t have anything to compare it to?” I asked as I took a bite of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I wasn’t surprised that was what Mom had made. For months when I was ten years old, I refused to eat anything but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for every meal. To this day, they were still my favorite.

Kipton popped a cherry tomato into her mouth and chewed as she pondered my question. “Well, from what I’ve heard all my friends say about sex, most of them have never had an orgasm during sex. I think just one of them has. And it sounded like most guys didn’t care if they had an orgasm at all—they meaning the girl. I just had three. So in my mind, that was some great sex.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I reached across and took her hand in mine, bringing it up to my mouth to kiss the back of it. “It was better than great.”

“It was amazing,” she whispered.


“Toe-curling,” she said with a blush to her cheeks.

I rotated her wrist and kissed it before I softly said, “It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced.”

Kipton’s eyes lit up, and she looked at me in a way that made my chest feel like something was fluttering inside.

“It was something I’ll never forget.”

Staring down she lifted her gaze. “I wanted to tell you something. About my parents.”

I smirked. “Do you think they won’t like me?”

She chuckled. “They’ll love you, but I wanted you to know that Gilbert and Laura Howse are my adoptive parents.”


With a nod she said, “My biological parents died in a car accident when I was younger. I don’t remember them much at all. Their best friends were my parents, Gilbert and Laura.”

Squeezing her hand in mine, I replied, “I’m so sorry, Kip.”

She shrugged. “It’s okay and I don’t want you to feel sorry for me because I love my parents like they are my biological parents. But, I don’t talk about it much and not many people know. I did want you to know thought.”

Smiling, I replied, “Thank you for telling me.”

Her eyes met mine and I could see the desire in them once again.

I was about to say to hell with the food and take her again, when we heard a car pulling up.

Kipton and I both turned to look at the door. “Dustin?” we said in unison.

Standing, I reached down and helped her up. I walked over to the window, and sure enough, saw Dustin’s truck. What in the hell was he doing here? And thank fuck he hadn’t shown up earlier.

I made my way to the door, unlocked and opened it right as he was jogging up. When his eyes met mine, he grinned. I shot him a look that warned him not to even joke about it.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I stepped back to let him in.

His smile faded, and a somber expression appeared on his face as he glanced at the dining table. “Jack, the guy from the TV show, showed up at your parents’ house looking for you, Kipton. He said it was important that he talk to you right away.”

“It’s our day off,” Kipton said with her hands on her hips.