“Are you thinking about Vegas?”

“Yes,” she said, her voice breathy and full of desire.

“Do you want me to do that again?”

Her eyes snapped to the bed before they cast down and she stared at the floor.

“Kipton, you don’t have to be embarrassed. I always want to know what you’re thinking.”

When her gaze lifted and our eyes met, she swallowed hard. “I have to tell you something, Hunter.”

The seriousness in her voice caused me to frown slightly, wondering what was going on in that head of hers. I took her hands and pulled her out of the chair so we could sit on the bed. Turning, we faced one another.

She exhaled and let out a nervous laugh. “I’m not sure how to even say this.”

Squeezing her hand, I said, “Just tell me.”

Nodding, she looked at our clasped hands, then said, “I’m…I’ve…well…what I mean is…I…well…”

Laughing, I placed my finger on her chin and lifted it so she could see me. “Just tell me, Kip.”

Kipton licked her lips, then blurted, “I’m a virgin, Hunter. I’ve never even had a guy do what you did to me last night in Vegas.”

If my jaw hadn’t been on the floor the instant she said “virgin,” I was positive it was now.

“Say something…because it’s kind of freaking me out that you’re staring at me, looking shocked. Maybe you don’t want to be with—”

I put my finger to her mouth to keep her from saying another word. “Don’t even say what you were about to say. You took me by surprise, is all.”

She nodded nervously.

“How far have you gone with a guy?”

“You’re probably going to think I’m a prude, but I’ve never really dated at all. I’ve been so focused on getting through school and helping my parents get out of debt because of me.”

I frowned. “Because of you? What do you mean?”

She waved off the question. “It doesn’t matter right now. The point is, I have gone out on dates, and I’ve kissed a few guys, but I’ve never felt like I wanted to go further with any of them. Call me old fashioned, but…I was waiting for the right guy. Not waiting for marriage, simply waiting for someone to make me feel like he wanted more than my body. And after Miss Montana, it became clear most guys asked me out just hoping to say they’d hooked up with me.”

I was speechless again.

She smiled and moved closer. “I feel that way with you, Hunter. Not the part about hooking up,” she said quickly. “The part about you making me feel wanted for more than sex. I think I felt it the first time we met. God, I know it sounds stupid, and I know everything is so complicated between us, and we literally had our first kiss just yesterday, but…I want you, Hunter. The more time we spend together, the more I know I want you in ways I’ve never wanted any other guy.”

“Kip.” I closed my eyes and tried to think of the right words to say to her. When I opened them, she looked worried and unsure. “I want you too. Hell, I’ve been thinking about being with you since the first time Lily showed me a damn picture, before I even agreed to do Swipe Right. You’re one of the main reasons I agreed to do this stupid show. So I could meet you.”

She smiled the sweetest smile. Her nose crinkled, and it took everything I had not to push her back onto the bed and bury myself inside her. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

When she glanced away for a moment, I could see she was building up the courage to say something else. When she focused back on me, I saw that something in her eyes before she even uttered a word.

“Hunter, will you make love to me?”

I suddenly felt dizzy. I’d brought Kipton up here to have a romantic lunch, and she was asking me to do the one thing I’d been forcing myself not to think about.

Pushing a lock of her brown hair behind her ear, I ran my thumb over her lips. “Is that what you really want, Kip? Are you sure?”

She nodded.