His eyes turned from sky blue to dark blue in an instant. “You never have to ask that question.”

“Okay, then kiss me.”

He laughed and cupped my face. His hands felt cold against my skin, and for a moment it shocked me. When his warm lips touched mine, I felt the passion in Hunter’s kiss. I’d kissed others, but none of them ever made me feel like they were pouring their own emotions into me. And with Hunter, when his mouth was on mine, I felt his desire clearly.

He deepened the kiss as I rose onto the balls of my feet. I needed to get closer. The urge to crawl inside him was so damn powerful.

When we both needed to stop for air, Hunter rested his forehead on mine. “I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you, Kip. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before, and that should scare me, maybe it even does, but…”

I held his wrists. “But it’s going so fast.”

He closed his eyes. “I wish we could just be alone for the next few weeks.”

“Me too.”

Taking a step back, he said, “Stay here over Christmas.”

My eyes widened. The show was planning on filming until December 22, then allowing everyone to go home for the holiday. We were all supposed to be back in Hamilton on December 28, and there was going to be a huge New Year’s Eve party at the same hotel in Hamilton where we shot the introductions.

“My mom and dad…” was all I said.

“They can come here and spend Christmas with my family. They can stay in one of the other guesthouses The remote cameras will be off as well. Or they can stay with my mom and dad. I’m sure they’d love to have them. Please think about it?”

Five days to be with Hunter with no one else watching our every move. There was really no thinking needed.

“I’ll call them today. They hit it off with your folks, so they’d probably enjoy coming for Christmas. Plus, I want to see what a big family does to celebrate the holidays.”

Hunter tossed his head back and laughed. Then he picked me up and spun me around before kissing me again. Once he put me back on solid ground, he said, “Be careful what you wish for with the big family because mine goes all out. Come on, we need to get going for the next part of our day.”

I loved that he hadn’t called today a date, but our day. Not that it wasn’t a date, but for him to separate it from the actual dates he’d been going on made me feel a bit more cherished.

“What are we doing next?”

“You’ll see.”

Chapter Twenty


“Where are we going?” Kipton asked for the twentieth time.

“I told you, it’s a surprise.”

I turned off onto 714 and followed the one-lane road for another five miles, until I saw the drive that led to Dustin’s parents’ cabin.

Kipton looked out the passenger window, and I could tell she was smiling. The drive wasn’t that long, and we were soon pulling up to the log cabin.

“What a cute little cabin. Who does it belong to?”

I put my truck in park and got out. “Dustin’s folks. Stay there, I’ll come around and open your door.”

Kipton was taking everything in as I held out my hand and helped her down.

“I love log cabins tucked away like this. They’re so romantic.”

Leaning down, I whispered into her ear, “Good, that’s what I was going for.”

She smiled and gave me a playful push. Taking her hand in mine, we walked up the two steps to the wraparound porch. I pulled out my keys and searched for the one I was looking for.