“Yes! That’s what I wanted to hear. Meanwhile, do not be alone with Kipton. We can’t risk anything happening between the two of you right now.”

When I didn’t reply, Dustin groaned. “Something happened. Dude, did you sleep with her?”

“No!” I quickly said. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“This is worse than I thought. I’m on my way.”

The phone went silent, and I pulled it away and stared at it wondering what the hell his problem was. I pushed the blankets off me and headed to the attached bathroom. I needed a cold shower to wake up before I headed downstairs and faced my mother and father…or saw Kipton.

Dustin was wrong. Everything was going to be totally fine.

The moment I walked into the kitchen, four sets of eyes were on me, with one looking everywhere but at me.

“Good morning,” I said with a smile, walking up to give my mother a kiss on the cheek, then Georgiana. “How’re you feeling, Georgiana?”

Returning my smile with one of her own, she answered, “I feel great.”

“That’s awesome!” I replied as I caught Blayze giving me a strange look. Ignoring him, I turned to Kipton.

“Morning, Kip. Sleep good?”

“I didn’t get nearly enough sleep, but I’ve got my coffee to kick start the day.”

My heart raced in my chest, and all I wanted to do was pull her into my arms and give her a kiss that would wake her up better than the coffee ever could.

“You might want to practice a bit more, son.” My dad grinned. “Actually, a lot.”

Looking confused, I poured myself a cup of coffee. “What do you mean?”

Blayze cleared his throat, and it was obvious my mother and Georgiana were attempting to hide smiles.

Finally, Blayze said, “Dude, you look like you want to kiss the hell out of her.”

“Who?” I asked, pretending not to understand.

My mother tossed the hand rag she was using over her shoulder. “Oh, come on, you guys. The second Kipton walked into the kitchen, it was obvious something happened between the two of you.”

Kipton’s mouth fell open while her eyes went wide. “I’m sorry, what?”

“So obvious,” Georgiana added, nodding.

Dad jumped into the conversation once again. “Then you come walking in, happier than I’ve ever seen you, when you should be grumpy as hell. I heard what time the two of you got home. And you stayed the night here.”

“It was easier,” I added.

“For what?” Blayze muttered under his breath.

Leaning against the island, Kipton made a strange sound, but otherwise remained stunned into silence.

Dad cleared his throat. “Hunter, let me give you a piece of advice, if I might.”

“Would you not give it to me if I asked nicely?”

Ignoring me, he went on. “Don’t try to hide your feelings from your family. They—and by they, I mean your mother—can smell a relationship brewing twenty miles away.”

My eyes swung over to Mom, who sipped her coffee and grinned behind the cup. “It’s true.”

When I turned to look at Kipton, she was biting her bottom lip now, trying not to laugh.