I felt my jaw clench. “Was that some other kind of test I didn’t know about?”

Rose cleared her throat and said, “If we’re going to fly back tonight, I think Kipton should change.”

Looking down at the dress, I sighed. The outfit was wasted on this place. “Do you think Morgan will let me buy this?” I asked her.

“It’s yours,” Jack said with a smile. “I bought it for you for tonight.”

“You bought me this dress?”

Rose bumped my arm and said, “Don’t forget why he wanted you dressed up in the first place. And might I add, I had no idea until he told Winnie not to get you dressed until the last minute.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “Remind me why I said you could come?”

With a fake-ass smile, Rose replied, “Because you adore my company and Hunter insisted.”

“Hardly.” Jack sighed with a grimace in Rose’s direction. “I think you should fly back on the plane with the girls.”

“Ha! You wish.”

“I do wish. Very much so. I have never in my life met a woman who infuriated me more. Please, will you just go away?”

Rose huffed. “I infuriate you? Me? Oh please, you’re the most obnoxious, pretentious pain in the ass I’ve ever met—”

I held up my hands. “Okay, stop! Both of you.”

They clamped their mouths shut and glared at one another.

“Rose is right. I want to change.”

Jack looked mildly contrite for the first time. “You do look beautiful, Kipton.”

With a sad smile, I replied, “Thank you.”

“Come on. We’ll go up to the room the hotel gave us. Winnie put your clothes and both of our purses in there.”

“Isn’t Hunter filming his Truth Booth?”

Jack motioned toward the elevators, and Rose and I followed. “Travis texted me and said it was short and sweet. It seems that you’re not the only person pissed off this evening.”

Hitting the button for up, Jack rubbed at the back of his neck.

“You look tired,” Rose observed and not in a malicious way. She was right. He truly did look exhausted.

“I’ve got to be honest,” Jack said, gesturing for us to precede him into the elevator. “I never thought this show would take off like it has. I really liked the idea of following someone around as they navigated through the waters of dating, but I don’t think you can do a show like this and not have it be authentic like I had originally wanted.”

“And you’ve had a change of heart?” I asked as I leaned against the back wall of the elevator.

He shook his head. “I won’t lie to you, Kipton. Travis and I always knew we wanted to see what would happen if we put you both in a situation where Hunter was out with a bunch of the women, then saw you dressed like this.” He motioned to me. “We wanted to see what Hunter would do when presented with someone not part of the group. It was planned all along…and was also one of the main reasons we picked you to host the show.”

“How did you know Hunter would even be attracted to Kipton?”

I glared at Rose.

“We didn’t. But he’s a guy, and Kipton’s gorgeous. If he truly wasn’t attracted, we would have let it go and ditched the group date. We didn’t have to. It was clear from the moment they met they were attracted to one another.”

I quickly turned my glare to Jack. “How could you do this to me? I never gave you permission to fuck with my emotions!”

Rose gently touched my arm and whispered, “Kipton.”