She wore an angry expression. “I have a feeling you’re suddenly part of this whole social dating experiment—and tonight, they’re tossing you into the lion’s den.”

Chapter Sixteen


I had died and gone to hell. Pure hell.

Rose and I sat at the bar in the nightclub for nearly two hours while man after man came up and hit on us. Every time a guy asked me to dance, Jack was in my ear, telling me to decline. At one point, I nearly pulled the earpiece out. Rose pulled up the live-stream comment section, and I saw a few comments about me and the dress I was wearing. Some of them made me smile.

“I think we need to vote Kipton in as one of Hunter’s dates.”

“Kipton Howse is ten times more beautiful than any of those other women Hunter’s dating.”

“Can we Swipe Right on Kipton, please!?”

Rose grabbed the Diet Coke the bartender had just placed in front of her and sipped through her straw. With a shake of her head, she glanced around. “This is my first real nightclub, and I’m bored out of my goddamn mind.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

The song changed, and a few of the girls with Hunter squealed. The floor seemed to clear out to make room for the cameras. No one in the group had seen me and Rose since we were tucked into a corner at the end of the bar.

“Oh God,” Rose said, just loud enough that I heard her over the beginning notes of the song.

What I saw caused my mouth to fall open. “Oh my…”

The song was Jason Derulo’s “Talk Dirty to Me”…and the way the women were dancing up against Hunter had me blushing.

“I never knew women could even move like that,” Rose gasped as we both slipped off our stools and moved closer to the dance floor. Jack had told us more than once to stay put, even though he had also told us to have fun. This was the first time I’d been able to see Hunter—and he looked to be enjoying himself.

He had a smile on his face as Kimber did a dirty grind against his thigh.

I watched as woman after woman moved against his body, their hands all over him, his hands on them, but not nearly as bad. He didn’t touch them inappropriately. A few times his smile slipped when one of the girls got a little too personal.

“Maybe we should leave?” Rose yelled out.

I couldn’t have moved if someone had screamed “fire.” My eyes were glued on Hunter, on how much he was clearly enjoying all the attention.

Kimber spun and pushed her ass into Hunter’s groin, and he took a step back, but still put his hands on her hips briefly before removing them. Had he pushed her away? I couldn’t tell. When Lynn wrapped her arms around Hunter from the side and tried to kiss him, he grinned and shook his head, drawing her arms away from his neck.

Then it was Kimber’s turn. Hunter attempted to tell her no, but she pulled his head down and kissed him—hard.

A rush of jealousy hit me so hard, I took a step back.

Friends. You’re friends with him, Kipton. He doesn’t owe you anything.

“I’m sure he has to dance like that with them, ya know?” Rose yelled over the song. All I could do was nod and give her a forced smile.

When I looked back out onto the dance floor, my eyes locked with Hunter’s.

He was frozen in place now, while the seven women danced around him. His eyes swept over me from head to toe. Kimber reached for his arm and drew his attention back to the group for a moment, but he turned and looked back at me. He looked surprised…and angry.

The song ended, and before the next one began, Rose turned and faced me.

“And that is why Jack didn’t want him to see you in that dress beforehand. I wasn’t sure what he was up to until I just saw how Hunter looked at you. Dammit, I’m so stupid. It all makes sense now. He knew he’d react this way. He had this whole damn thing planned out, Kipton. He wanted to see what Hunter would do when he saw you.”

I slowly shook my head as I watched Kimber tugging on Hunter’s arm again. He still seemed to be glued in place, like I was.

“Let’s go,” Rose begged as she headed for the club exit.