Rose clapped. “I can’t wait to tell Morgan! She wants her designs to make women feel sexy and confident.”

“And this dress does!”

Jack spoke in my ear, causing me to jump.

“Three minutes.”

I drew in a slow, deep breath, then exhaled. “Let’s do this.”

Rose squeezed my hand, then went to stand next to Jack and Winnie. Jessie rushed over and put my mic back on, moving faster than I’d ever seen her move.

“Testing,” Jessie said into the mic. She took a step back and grinned. “If I wasn’t into guys, I’d seriously have a girl crush on you right now.”

Pushing her back lightly, I felt my cheeks heat. “Stop it.”

There was total chaos before the last twenty seconds when everyone got into place.

Someone next to the camera—I couldn’t remember his name, Luke or Duke or something—counted down with his fingers before he pointed, and that familiar red light popped on.

“Good evening, Swipe Right fans! Tonight, we’re coming to you live from Las Vegas, here in the beautiful Bellagio Hotel. I’m standing in front of one of MGM’s most popular nightclubs, Mayfair After Dark. This evening was a surprise date for Hunter, and one unlike viewers have seen before. He’s not out with one woman—he’s out with seven. Our seven randomly picked women tonight are Kimber, Genevie, Sarriah, Devyn, Ally, and last, Rainey. What lucky, lucky girls!”

I paused for a moment so that they could show a clip from Kimber and Hunter’s first date. Once they were done, the camera was back on me.

“Tonight, the camera will follow Hunter and his seven dates around the club, and I’m told the date has already started with drinks delivered to their table, courtesy of the hotel. In a couple of hours, Hunter will go back to a temporary Truth Booth here in the Bellagio, where he has the ability to swipe left…you heard me correctly…he can swipe left on one or more of his dates.”

Jack nodded. No one had told me if a decision had been made on how many women Hunter could swipe left on after he had argued with Travis about being able to swipe left this evening.

“Are we ready to see this?” I frowned in thought. “I don’t even know what to call a date with one guy and seven women. Fun?” I laughed and took a step back. “Shall we join the date?”

The doors to the club opened and the camera panned like it was going in, before it switched over to one of the two cameras inside the club. You could barely hear the music thumping, and I had the strangest need to know how they’d managed to soundproof the room.

“You’re out, Kipton,” Jack said into my ear. Jessie appeared and took the mic and earpiece. The date would last the allotted two hours, so I was about to ask Rose if she wanted to find a restaurant when Jack suddenly appeared in front of us.

“Rose, Kipton, I want you both to go into the club and head to the bar.”

Rose looked like she wanted to take off one of her heels—which were Jimmy Choo pumps—and hit Jack. The look she gave him was positively scary. “Do you want this expensive heel up your ass? Don’t do this, Jack.”

According to Rose, her heels were the most uncomfortable shoes she’d ever worn, but because she’d paid a small fortune for them, she wore them whenever she could. Everyone knew she wasn’t going to sacrifice that shoe.

I turned to Jack with what I knew was a suspicious look. “Why do we have to go in?”

He tilted his head and offered a patient smile. A look my father would give me. “Because I want you to enjoy yourself, Kipton. You’re in Vegas. Just don’t get drunk, I need you to finish up the show.”

“But I wanted to check out the Bellagio.” I wasn’t too proud to whine.

“Look what happened on Wednesday’s date. If Hunter decides to bail and end this one early—even though he was told not to—I need you here.”

“He would never do that, not knowing what it took to fly everyone out here.” I wanted to stomp my foot like a child. “I’m starving, Jack.”

“They serve food at the bar,” Jessie stated with a helpful smile on her face.

With a little wave of his hand toward the nightclub door, he said, “Go, have fun.”

Rose grabbed my arm and we started toward the door. “Come on. He isn’t going to let up until you get in there.”

Before we walked through the door, Jack called out, “Have fun, ladies!”

I glanced over my shoulder, but the doors had already shut. When I turned to Rose, I asked, “What’s going on?”