When I glanced over my shoulder, Jack replied, “Sure as shit didn’t.”

I wanted to ask them what in the hell they were talking about, but Big Steve, one of the security guys, was now behind us, blocking my view of Rose and Jack.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Howse. I’ll make sure no one steps foot in the bathroom until you come out.”

Big Steve had misread the look of confusion on my face for one of concern. Now that he said that, of course, I was imagining someone just randomly walking into the public bathroom and seeing me in my bra and panties while I changed clothes.

Little did I know, I’d have on less clothes than I thought.

Ten minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom, and the only thing I wore that was my own were my black heels. Somehow, Winnie had managed to get me into a dress that was basically lingerie.

Essentially, it was a black one-piece bodysuit. The boned bodice had underwire cups that lifted my breasts. I had to admit, even I didn’t know the girls could look that good. Winnie topped it with tiered, ruffled tulle that really didn’t cover much at all. The smallest ruffles ever gave the appearance of a skirt, but it was laughable at best.

Big Steve’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when I stepped out. Suddenly, flashes started to go off all around me. One sweep of the crowd and I saw tourists holding up their phones, taking pictures.

“Who is she?” someone to my right whispered.

“That one famous actress. You know, the one who dated Harry Styles?”

I chuckled and mumbled, “I wish.”

The area around the front of the club had been roped off, and the camera crew was all set up. As I approached, Rose stumbled back a few steps, and Jack had to keep her from falling.

“What happened to sweet, innocent Kipton?” she asked, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

“She seems to be wearing underwear and a tulle skirt,” I deadpanned, glaring at Jack.

He slowly shook his head, looking me up and down, and said, “Damn good call not to let Hunter see you in this.”

My brows drew together. “Why?”

Rose and Jack exchanged a knowing look before he cleared his throat. “Let’s get into places, people! Our dark angel has clearly arrived.”

Leaning toward me, Rose said in a hushed voice, “You’re the dark angel, by the way.”

“I gathered,” I spat back, twisting to adjust the underwire digging into my side.

Winnie walked over and chuckled. “The things we put our bodies through to look beautiful. I can block you if you need to adjust.”

“Adjust it how? My boob feels like it’s twisted.”

Rose exhaled as I kept fidgeting. “For goodness’ sake, Winnie, block us.”

Big Steve and Winnie stood in front of us like human shields. I nearly screamed when Rose stuck her hand into the bodice and lifted my breast, adjusting it in the cup.

“What in the hell, Rose?” I hissed. Then paused. “Oh, God…that feels so much better.”

“By the way, Morgan designed this dress.”

Gaping, I asked, “Our Morgan? I mean…Morgan? As in, Hunter’s sister?”

Rose beamed with pride. “The one and only.”

I glanced down at the dress. It really did make me feel like a sexy diva the first time Winnie turned me around to look in the mirror. “It’s beautiful.”

“On you. It looks like it was made for you, Kipton. Look at all the guys staring right now. Tell me this dress doesn’t make you feel ten times sexier than standing up onstage in a two-piece at the Miss America pageant.”

I fingered the tulle and gently rubbed it between my thumb and index finger before my eyes met Rose’s. “It makes me feel like I can do anything.”