“How can you be so chipper first thing in the morning?” I asked Rose as I took a sip of my tea.

Rose shrugged, kicking back on a hay bale as women scrambled in every direction in a mad dash to get their hair and makeup fixed. “It’s like watching lab rats scramble for the last bit of cheese. I can’t look away and am fascinated at their commitment.”

“Rose!” I laughed, hitting her leg.

She smirked. “Jack will definitely regret letting me go with you guys.”

“He probably will.” I chuckled. Rose, who had begged and pleaded with Hunter to let her come, even offering to pay for her own plane ticket, clearly amused Jack because he invited her to fly in the private jet that would carry him, Travis, Hunter, and myself, as well as Jessie and Larry.

Once we all piled into the limo, it was clear Jack did, indeed, have regrets about Rose tagging along.

“Five minutes,” Jack said to Rose before the limo pulled up to the private hangar. “I just need you to shut up for five minutes.”

Hunter and I exchanged a smile.

“I’m sorry if you’re dull and you don’t like conversation,” Rose stated. “I’m excited. I’ve never been to Vegas.”

The doors to the limo opened, and we all slipped out. Rose winked at me, then asked Jack, “Will there be food and drinks served on the flight?”

Jack growled as he marched toward the steps that led to one of the private planes the show had arranged for.

“Maybe you should go fly with all the other women,” Jack said right before he was about to step onto the plane.

Rose pushed past him and let out a small, excited scream before she looked around Jack and said to me, “There are food and drinks!”

I laughed as I walked up to the steps and past Jack, who was half in and half out of the plane. Hunter was behind me and said, “Looks like she decided on this plane.”

Setting my bag in a seat, I watched as Jack walked into the plane and smiled at the flight attendant. “Bring me the strongest alcohol you have.”

The second the three private planes landed in Vegas, we were all whisked off to the Bellagio. Rose rode with Hunter and me in a limo. She was carrying two dress bags for our simple evening out, but I honestly never thought to ask why since it was Vegas. Everyone dressed up for pretty much everything in Vegas. At least, that was what I’d heard.

“This is madness,” Rose commented as she watched the crew scrambling to get everything set up in an area outside of the nightclub. “How did they get the Bellagio to agree to let you film live, in their nightclub, with a week’s notice?”

I wasn’t sure who Rose was directing the comment to since I was attempting not to stare at a man nearby whom I swore was a younger version of Tom Cruise.

“Earth to Kipton!” Rose said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

“Sorry,” I said, then nudged her. “Does that guy look like Tom Cruise?”

Rose followed my gaze and nodded. “Kind of. Is he part of Swipe Right?”

“I highly doubt it.”

She squinted to get a better look at the guy. “He’s way too young, but damn, he is hot as hell.”

I wasn’t going to argue with her on that one. When he turned and saw the two of us staring, I felt my cheeks heat. “Most certainly not Tom Cruise,” I whispered.

“Still hot, though,” Rose stated.

We both turned away and started to giggle like schoolgirls.

“I need to get your mic and earphone in,” Jessie stated as she walked over. Tricia was behind her, holding my makeup bag.

“Need a touch-up?”

“Are you kidding?” Rose interrupted. “With all this lighting, she’s going to look amazing!”

“You’re only saying that because you did my makeup on the plane.”