“It doesn’t sound so bad, if you ask me,” my mother said. “I like that the girl has the option to swipe left, or just leave outright if she wants.”

I nodded. “I liked that too.”

Dad let out a long sigh. “I don’t know. How much are they going to pay you?”

“They said because I was sort of a celebrity thanks to Miss Montana and competing in Miss America, they were offering me more.”

My parents leaned in, waiting for me to continue. When I didn’t say anything, my mother rolled her eyes. “How much, Kipton?”

“Two-hundred thousand.”

Both of their jaws dropped open.

“I know. I had the same reaction when they told me.”

My father slowly shook his head as he rubbed the back of his neck, while Mom clapped her hands together, causing me to jump. “Do they need an older woman to co-host? If so, I’m in!”

Laughing, my father playfully pushed Mom before he looked back at me. “Kipton, where will you be staying while this is filmed. Have you met this Hunter kid yet?”

“Dad, he’s not a kid and yes, we’ve met through Zoom a few times. Hunter told them a couple of weeks ago that he’s a solid yes. The plan is for most of the show to take place in Hamilton—that’s where Hunter’s family ranch is. They want to do a lot of the filming on the ranch, and his parents okayed it. The group of women will be staying in a house that the production company rented. Some huge mansion not that far from the Shaw Ranch.”

“Will you be staying with the women?” Mom asked.

I shook my head. “No, originally, I was going to stay at the same hotel where the crew will be lodging, but Mr. and Mrs. Shaw insisted I stay on the ranch after I talked with them over Zoom.”

“They don’t even know you, why would they offer to let you stay with them?” Dad asked.

“Hunter was the one who suggested it, and his mother quickly agreed. I must admit, I’d much rather stay there than at the hotel.”

“Will you be able to meet Hunter before shooting starts?”

“We’re set to meet in a couple of weeks, before the filming of the show starts. Don’t ask me how they did it, but they managed to get both schools to allow us to leave a few weeks early, so we’ll be taking the last few weeks of classes remotely, as well as our finals. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are hosting a dinner for me, Jack Morris, and Travis Ryan—those are the producers. Hunter will be there, and I’ll meet him then. They invited both of you, as well.”

“Jack Morris?” my father asked. “As in Morris Production Company?”

“Yeah, do you know him?” I asked.

My father stared at me like I’d grown two heads. “Kipton, they produce the Miss America competition! That must be where they first saw you.”

“Oh my gosh, they do?” I asked.

“And they’ve produced some of the bestselling movies over the past five years. Jack’s father is an actor. He starred in that big action thriller movie a few years back. The Good Die Young or something like that.”

“That’s right!” Mom said, snapping her fingers. “It was filmed here in Montana.”

Dad nodded. “The family is from Bozeman.”

“Wow, I didn’t know any of that.”

“I have a question,” Mom said, and Dad and I both looked at her. “When is this dinner?”

Dad laughed.

“Sometime in November.”

My mother jumped and spun around to face my father. “I need to go find something to wear!”

I watched as she dashed toward their bedroom. Slowly turning back to my father, I said, “I think she’s on board with this.”