She shot him a dirty look. “Seriously, Hunter? Do I look like I ride horses often?”

He shrugged. “I mean…”

“Don’t answer that, Hunter,” I whispered.

Instead of saying anything that might make poor Sarah burst into tears, Hunter went with, “We’re almost to my place.”

“Thank God! My ass is killing me, and this horse obviously hates me.”

Hunter laughed. “He doesn’t hate you. I do wish we had known you weren’t good at riding; we would have given you a more patient horse.”

Lou Lou was clearly pissed off and kept acting up. He wanted Sarah off him as much as Sarah wanted off.

“What is he doing? What is he doing!” Sarah cried out as Lou Lou started to canter.

The camera on Hunter’s horse went live, and the look on Hunter’s face caused everyone in the truck to start laughing.

“He’s just sitting there while her horse takes off?” Marie said, a mix of humor and surprise in her voice.

“Help me!” Sarah screamed, causing Hunter to turn and look at another camera. I was sure it was Paul’s.

“Would it be more fun letting her go?” he asked. You could hear Paul laugh and say something, but I couldn’t make it out. With a nod, Hunter said, “Right, let’s go get her.”

And that was when Hunter raced off on his horse, Iceman. If women around the world hadn’t fallen in love with him yet, they were sure to now. He rode up alongside Sarah and got Lou Lou to stop immediately. Then he helped her onto his horse, and they started off again. The look of pure happiness on Sarah’s face was enough to make me want to roll my eyes. It couldn’t have gone any better had she planned for that to happen.

Jessie sighed next to me, and I turned to look at her. “Did you just sigh?”

Pointing to the monitor, she said, “I mean, he rode up there and pulled her onto his horse. If that isn’t a cowboy, then I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before.”

I rolled my eyes, again, and looked back at the monitors as Hunter leaned in to say something to Sarah, causing her to turn and look up at him.

“She’s going to kiss him,” Jessie guessed as I willed Hunter to pull away.

Don’t kiss her. Don’t kiss her.

As if he read my mind, Hunter drew his head back and started to point out different things on the ranch. It was clear Sarah was bored out of her mind, but still happy to be sitting practically on top of Hunter.

By the time they got to the guesthouse, I’d stopped watching and started eating the Chinese food that had been delivered. It was almost cold, but it was better than watching Sarah throw herself at Hunter every chance she got.

“Wow, I really liked this one when she first introduced herself to Hunter. But now…” Jessie sat down next to me. “Did you want me to heat that up?”

I shook my head. “It’s still warm, sort of, but thank you.” I waited a moment, then asked, “What are the viewers saying?”

Jessie scrunched her face. “They don’t like her and they’re hoping he swipes left.”

“Kipton, the date is going to be ending soon, so we’ll need to get you up to the house,” another production assistant called out.

“Where’s Jack?” I asked as I slipped on my coat and hat.

“He left to head up to the house already,” Jessie said, handing me my gloves. “Do you need me to go to the house with you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t think so. It’ll be a short segment.”

Jessie smiled and handed me a cup of tea to go. “The car is waiting to take you up to the house. The picnic was being held at the guesthouse.”

“I’d be lost without you, Jess,” I said as I took the offered drink and quickly made my way out of the truck and to the waiting car.

They had timed it perfectly with me arriving at the house only moments before the date came to an end. I quietly stepped inside and smiled at Jack as he gave me a thumbs-up. I moved to him and asked in a hushed voice, “How’s it going?”