Then I saw a small twitch of her left eye.

“Tonight’s date will be with Sarah!” Kipton announced as they switched cameras and showed Sarah jumping up and making her way over.

When she finally made it to my side, she hugged me and mumbled something I couldn’t understand.

The cameras went dark as Jack said in my ear, “Okay, Sarah’s intro is going.”

Kipton’s smile faded and she turned to look at something Jessie handed her. Sarah tugged on my sleeve, gaining my attention.

“What do you think the date will be?” she asked, a huge smile on her face.

“I’m not sure.”

“Your date with Kimber looked like so much fun.”

I returned her excited smile with one I hoped looked genuine. Sarah was cute, with brown hair and blonde highlights. Her hazel eyes danced with something I swore looked like desire. I nodded as I cleared my throat and replied, “Sure. It was fun.”

I glanced over to the monitor and watched as Sarah spoke. She was from upstate New York and was a content creator. She loved anything that had to do with horses and had been riding for years. That was a plus.

Jack started the countdown in my ear. When I peeked at Kipton, she got back into place without so much as giving me a look.

“Now that all of you at home have gotten to meet Sarah, it’s Hunter’s turn to get to know her better. Let’s see what their date will be.”

Sarah grabbed my hand and squeezed. I tried to smile, but something inside me felt…off, and I couldn’t figure out what it was. It had started after that first date with Kimber two days ago.

Turning to face us, Kipton wore a grin that looked a bit smug. “I hope you brought some warm riding clothes, Sarah!”

Sarah’s smile faltered, and all she managed to say was, “Um…”

Kipton met my gaze. “You’re going horseback riding here on the ranch, followed by a picnic lunch at Hunter’s place.”

I smiled. “Sounds like fun.”

“More like freezing cold. Who goes horseback riding in the snow?” Sarah asked.

Staring at her, I couldn’t even begin to decide how to answer that. We were in Montana, for fuck’s sake. Did she think all the horses hibernated in the winter? “You’ve never ridden in the snow?” I asked. “Aren’t you from upstate New York?”

She ignored me and turned to Kipton. “I need to change. I can’t go riding in this!”

“No worries,” Kipton assured as she turned to the camera and managed a sympathetic expression. Meanwhile, with the camera off Sarah, she was whisked away to go change. “I have to say, it is pretty chilly out. We’ll be back after these messages to follow Sarah and Hunter on their first date!”

The red light went out and Kipton looked over at me. “You do realize she most likely lied about the horseback riding.”

I frowned. “How do you know that?”

She gave me an incredulous look. “Did you not see the terror on her face, Hunter?”

“No, I saw someone who was worried about the cold weather. You can’t blame her for that.”

Kipton’s lower jaw hitched to the side for a moment before she put the fucking fake smile back in place. “Well, I’m glad I’ll be watching from the warmth of the barn. Have fun, and I’ll see you back at your place for your romantic lunch.”

I reached for her arm, causing her to stop and look at my hand, then back up to me. “Something I can help you with?”

“Why are you being so cold toward me?”

With a thoughtful look on her face, she gave a slight shake of her head. “I’m not being cold. I’m being professional. You should get ready. You’re leaving for your date as soon as we’re live.”

And with that, she turned and started toward the mark where she needed to be when we came back from commercial break.