“It’s not his professional name, but my aunt Kylee named him. She says it fits.”

“And does it?”

I shrugged. “I have no idea. I do know he loves a good scratch.”

Kipton stopped walking. “You want me to walk up to a bull and…scratch him? Like a dog?”

“Indeed, I do.” I took her hand in mine and tugged, and we started walking again. Rudy looked up and started to make his way toward us.

“I think I’m going to stop walking now,” Kipton softly whispered as I let her bring us both to a stop.

I pulled out a Slim Jim and watched as Rudy’s eyes lit up.

“It seems our friend Rudy likes a good Slim Jim,” Kipton said with a laugh.

“He sure does.”

Rudy walked up and gently took the treat out of my hand while I rubbed along his neck. “Go on, give him a good scratch.”

I could tell Kipton was nervous, but she reached out and started to scratch Rudy, who quickly fell in love with her. He tilted his head in all kinds of directions to get her to scratch the right spots.

Laughing, I said, “I think he likes your nails.”

“The girl who does my nails would have a heart attack if she ever saw this.”

Kipton and I spent a few more minutes with Rudy before we headed back. The bull followed us and watched as we climbed over the fence.

“He looks so sad.”

I turned and glanced back at him. “I think he fell in love with you, and now he’s heartbroken you’re leaving him.”

Kipton blew Rudy a kiss goodbye.

“I guess we should head on back to my parents’ place,” I said as I glanced at the sky. “Looks like it might snow.”

Kipton looked up, closed her eyes, and smiled.

For a few seconds I couldn’t move as I watched her. “What are you doing?” I asked.

She snapped out of whatever trance she was in and shook her head. “Sorry, I guess I was daydreaming. And you’re right, we need to get back.”

After saying our goodbyes to Rose, Joshua, Uncle Ty, and Aunt Kylee, we drove back down the main road of the ranch. It wasn’t lost on me that neither of us talked about the show during our drive around the ranch, but I suddenly wanted to know what Kipton was thinking. It was clear she wasn’t going to bring up last night’s date, and a part of me wasn’t sure I should either.

I turned my truck down my folks’ driveway, and Kipton cleared her throat. We had dropped the Jeep back off at my parents’ place before we headed out for our drive. “Thanks for today. I had fun.”

“I did too, even though all we did was drive around the ranch. Next time, we’ll saddle up some horses when the weather shows promise.”

“That sounds nice.” With a half shrug, she added, “Sometimes, though, the simple days are the best ones.”

All I could do was nod as I pulled to a stop.

Kipton opened her door and slipped out. Turning back to look at me, she smiled. “Thanks again. See you later.”

“See ya later.”

After she shut the door, I watched as she made her way up the steps of the porch and into the house.

Someone banged on my window just as the front door shut, and I was positive the scream I let out sounded like it’d come from a twelve-year-old girl. I looked over to see Blayze standing there with a wide grin. I hit the button for the window to roll down and had to restrain myself from strangling the dumbass.