Her eyes searched my face before she forced a smile. “No, I guess it wouldn’t.” Turning to look forward, she asked, “Where are we going now?”

“My uncle Ty’s. I thought maybe you’d like to see the bulls he raises.”

A wide grin erupted on her face. “That sounds awesome!”

I pushed away the jealous feelings and gave her a smile.

I also made a mental note to talk to Bradly…or beat his ass, I’d decide when I got there.

Chapter Twelve


The moment Rose found out Kipton was here, she put on a coat and boots and rushed out of the house to show her around the arena. They’d hit it off immediately, and I could see them being the best of friends, even after the show. They were both independent women who weren’t afraid to say what was on their minds.

“Rose and Kipton seem to be hitting it off,” Aunt Kaylee said as she handed me a Thermos of hot coffee.

I nodded, laughing slightly, since my aunt read my mind. “They’re both a lot alike.”

Kaylee drew in a breath and exhaled. “Rose has been enjoying seeing the filming process. I’m also glad to see her enjoying her break from school. She’s so laser focused when it comes to her education. She could have graduated this semester, but I don’t think she was ready just yet.”

Turning to look at her, I asked, “Isn’t that a good thing?”

She nodded, but something like sadness flickered in her eyes.

“You’re afraid she’s going to leave, aren’t you?” I asked as I looked back over to Rose, who was introducing Kipton to Manty. He was one of Uncle Ty’s prized bulls, and he gave the cowboys hell in the arena. But here in his own space, he was like a puppy dog. And he loved women.

“Ty keeps telling me that not all of you are going to be coming back and living on the ranch, and I understand that. I knew when Rose told me she wanted to design houses, and barns, and high-rises,” she said with a sad smile, “there was a solid chance Hamilton wouldn’t be her final landing place. It’s just hard letting go.”

“I honestly don’t see Rose running off to live in a big city. She loves the ranch too much.”

Turning to face me, she smiled and wrapped my scarf around my neck. “I think you’re right. At least, I hope you are.” Patting my chest, she added, “Someday, Hunter Shaw, you’ll be a father, then you’ll understand completely the moment you hold your child.” She shook her head slightly as she looked at Rose and Kipton, then back to me. “The path we think we see ourselves going down isn’t always the right one…or the one our heart wants us to follow.”

I frowned. “Are you saying you think Rose isn’t going down the right path?”

She chuckled and gently cupped my cheek in her hand. “I never said I was talking about Rose.”

Lifting onto her toes, she kissed my cheek. “Go spend some time with Manty. Those girls will never be able to throw the barrel like he wants.”

I watched as my aunt returned to the house. I set the coffee down and headed to Manty’s pen.

“Oh good!” Rose called out. “Throw the barrel at him!”

“What?” Kipton asked in a horrified voice.

“He likes it. We used to use the giant blow-up balls, but his horns pop them after the first throw,” Rose explained.

I launched an empty barrel at Manty, and he went crazy as he batted it back at me with his head.

“Oh my gosh!” Kipton said with a laugh. “He’s totally playing with you!”

After amusing Manty for a few minutes, we walked out into another field. Rose finally decided it was too cold and went back inside.

“Why are we walking toward a giant bull in the middle of the pasture?” Kipton asked with a weary glance my way.

“I promise you, he’s a gentle giant. It’s all in how you raise them. All of my uncle’s bulls are spoiled and given the best of everything. This here is Rudy.”

“Rudy?” she asked with a chuckle.